HKUST PG Programs 2025-26 - SBM

School of SCIENCE 4 Research Foci Research Foci The School works at the forefront of research in each of its Departments. Some of the research areas covered by our innovative faculty members are as follows: Department of Accounting Faculty members focus mainly on: financial accounting and capital markets, machine learning and big data, environmental, social and governance (ESG), cryptocurrency and blockchain, international accounting, financial media, debt contracting, auditing, and Chinarelated topics. Department of Economics Besides microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics, the Department’s research areas focus on: economic growth and development, industrial organization, international economics, China economy, experimental and behavioral economics, monetary and financial economics, and labor economics. Department of Finance The Department’s main areas of research are broad. Besides traditional topics like asset pricing, corporate finance, financial contracts and institutions, behavioral finance, and international financial markets, we also focus on new developments, such as big data/ machine learning/ AI in finance, financing ESG improvements, sustainability, and fintech. Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management The Department comprises two divisions: Information Systems and Operations Management, each with their own areas of focus. Information Systems There are two key areas of research focus in the division of Information Systems: (1) Business IT •Fintech: Big data analytics, AI, text and sentiment analysis, blockchain and cryptocurrency • IT strategy and organization: Technology use and implementation, human computer interaction • IT policy: cybersecurity, privacy, technology regulation (2) Digital Platforms • Crowdsourcing: Crowd funding, innovation contests, idea competitions • Social media: Online sales and advertising, online communities, user generated content •Electronic commerce: platform economics, mobile commerce, two-sided markets Operations Management This division includes two streams: Operations Management and Statistics. Operations Management area focuses on supply chain contracting, information sharing in supply chains, interface of marketing and supply chain management, inventory management, behavioral operations management, and business analytics. Business Statistics concentrates on machine/ statistical learning with applications to financial/ business data, high-frequency and/ or highdimensional financial data analysis, large portfolio management, personalization with applications in medicine/ finance, and financial time series modeling.