HKUST PG Programs 2025-26 - SBM

5 Department of Management The main areas of research include topics related to organizational theory and strategic management including venture capital and venture governance, innovation, corporate governance, entrepreneurship, institutions and status, organizational learning, behavioral strategy, social networks, non-market strategies, strategic alliances and multinational corporate strategy; topics related to human resources management and organizational behavior including artificial intelligence, social exchange processes, negotiation, decision-making, multiculturalism, behavioral ethics, leadership, workplace deviance, employment externalization, team processes and effectiveness, goal orientation, creativity, and diversity. Department of Marketing Research areas include: consumer information processing, judgment and decision-making, non-conscious consumer behavior, affect and emotions, attitudes and persuasion, goals and self-regulation, self and identity, social influence, lay beliefs, technology and consumer choice, field experiments, empirical models of consumers and firms, eye-tracking and spatial modeling, choice models, theory-based empirical models, Bayesian data analysis, information economics, retailing and marketing strategy, information and contract, media strategy, machine learning, business analytics, pricing, natural language processing, causal inference, AI generated content and generative AI marketing, online marketing, social media, advertising, sustainability.