HKUST PG Programs 2025-26 - SENG

9 Systems (SY) Computer systems research tackles challenges in the design and implementation software and hardware methods to perform specific tasks or functions. It often involves the development of hardware and software technologies that can be used to solve complex problems. This theme encompasses cybersecurity, networking, cloud computing, mobile systems, software engineering and programming languages. • Cybersecurity Cryptography, information security, the interplay between cryptography and coding theory, blockchain security, smart contracts, distributed systems security, applied cryptography, formal verification logics for security hyperproperties, artificial intelligence security, software security, systems security, network security, web security, reverse engineering. • Networking and Computer Systems Pervasive computing and sensor networks, peer-to-peer computing, grid computing, high-performance switches and routers, video delivery and multicasting, multimedia networking, MAC protocols for ad-hoc networks, web cache management, DDOS detection and defense, and resource management and allocation in optical networks. • Software Engineering and Programming Languages Program Analysis and Testing, Empirical Software Engineering and Mining Software Repository, Formal Semantics and Verification, Concurrency and Parallel Programming, Compilers and Program Optimization, Foundations of Software and Type Systems, and Blockchain, Smart Contracts and Decentralized Applications.