HKUST PG Programs 2025-26 - SENG

School of SCIENCE 30 Scientific Computation Concentration Research Foci Environmental and Atmospheric Modeling • Real-time air quality analysis • Development of an operational air quality prediction system • Numerical investigation of air pollutant inception: the role of humidity • Collisions and diffusion of water clusters on hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces for chip/ device cooling • Multiscale simulation of thermal conductivity of nanomaterials for thermal management High Performance Computing and Data Analysis • High-performance deep learning • Big data analytics Information Statistical Physics and Big Data Analysis on Networks • Stability, reliability and robustness of power grids • Social network: dynamics of opinion formation and community detection • Random walk and games • Analysis of big data using evolution computation and quantum genetic algorithm • Agent dynamics and artificial life in econophysics Computational Biology and Bioinformatics • Computational structural biology • Bioinformatics • Computational neuroscience models of multi-sensory integration and motion sickness Computational Fluid Dynamics and Soft-Matter Simulation • Multi-scale phenomena at fluid-solid interfaces • Kinetic methods for continuum and nearcontinuum flows • Multi-scale coupled circulation-ecosystem simulation in the ocean • Supersonic convection and radiation-convection transition in astrophysics • Large-scale flow structures and their effects in turbulent thermal convection • Phase transitions in colloids Computational Material Science • Discovery and design of wave-functional metamaterials and photonic crystals • Catalyst design • First principles and phenomenological modeling of nanomaterial • Spin dynamics in nanostructures • Dislocation dynamics Efficient High-Performance Computing Systems • Energy and cost efficient computing systems • Merged scale-up and scale-out computing systems for HPCs and data centers