Science Focus (Issue 28)

21 Victor: I don’t think there was one, but I was always interested in math — in solving a question by logical sense. When I started thinking about what I can study in university, mathematics was quite attractive. When I was doing past papers for A-levels, I was obsessed with doing the ones for mathematics. After not so much thought and consideration, I thought, why not? I really wanted to do mathematics instead of giving presentations, although at this stage in my career I can understand just how important presentation skills are, especially in the industry. I was very happy when I solved every single math question at that point. When I was choosing the stream of study — I need to emphasize that I still loved math so much — I chose the very serious mathematics, that was pure mathematics. But if I could go back in time, I would have picked applied mathematics. 也許沒有一個特別原因,但我一直都對數學感興趣 — 對以邏輯思維解決問題感興趣。當我開 始考慮在大學主修甚麼時,數學是個頗具吸引力的選擇。操練高級程度會考試題時,我對寫數學 試題特別著迷。在沒有顧慮太多的情況下,我想:有何不可呢?我真的想做數多於做匯報,儘管事 業到了這個階段我完全理解演講技巧在商業上有多重要。那時我每解決一道數學題都會感到非常 興奮。選擇學習方向時 — 我必須強調我仍然非常喜歡數學 — 我選擇了非常「硬派」的數學:純 粹數學。但如果我能回到過去,我會選擇應用數學。 Anson: It was not a single person or event that sparked my interest in mathematics. I suppose I was genuinely interested in science during my secondary school time, and to learn science, you need a little bit of math. I remember reading something like “Calculus in Comics” and had some interest in math early on. Yet, I was more interested in chemistry in Form 4, but the more I learned about chemistry, the more I realized things are not so absolute. There are always exceptional cases, but memorizing every exception was frustrating — thus, I turned to math. 並沒有特定一個人或一件事激發我對數學的興趣。我想我在中學時期就真正熱愛科學,而學習 科學需要一點數學。我記得讀過「漫畫中的微積分」之類的書,並很早就對數學產生興趣。然而,在中 四時我對化學更感興趣,但當我知道越多,就越發現內容並不是那麼絕對,總會出現例外的情況,但 要不停記住例外的例子令人沮喪 — 因此,我轉向了數學。 What inspired you to major in mathematics? 甚麼啟發你選擇主修數學?