What’s Happening in Hong Kong? 香港科技活動 Fun in Fall Science Activities 秋日科學好節目 Any plans for this fall? Check out the following events! 計劃好這個秋天的好去處了嗎?不妨考慮以下活動! Extinction · Resilience 滅絕‧新生 The permanent exhibition "Extinction · Resilience" at the Science Museum explores the incredible journey of life on Earth over billions of years. Visitors are invited to learn more about prehistoric biodiversity, mass extinctions, and the remarkable resurgence of life by discovering around 80 sets of remarkable fossil specimens, including the three-billion-year-old stromatolites and the most complete Deinonychus fossil. The lifelike animatronic dinosaurs and engaging interactive exhibits will also amaze visitors by bringing the past to life. After the revamping of exhibits this April, a 423-million-year-old Cooksonia barrandei fossil, one of the earliest land plants on Earth, and 70-million-year-old elongated dinosaur eggs will also be on display. 地點: 香港科學館地下古生物展廳 科學館的常設展覽「滅絕‧ 新生」將帶大家 探索數十億年以來地球生命不可思議的演化旅 程。透過約80組珍貴化石,包括擁有30億年 歷史的疊層石和迄今最完整的恐爪龍化石,館 方希望參觀者能藉此了解更多關於史前生物多 樣性、大滅絕事件和地球生物絕處逢生的故事。 展覽中栩栩如生的機械恐龍和有趣的互動展品 亦能引領大家回到過去。在今年四月更換展品 後,展覽增設四億 2300 萬年前最早陸生植物之 一的頂囊蕨化石,以及7000 萬年前的長形恐龍 蛋。 Venue: G/F Palaeontology Gallery, Hong Kong Science Museum China's Lunar and Mars Exploration 中國登月探火 Explore the exhibition "China's Lunar and Mars Exploration" at the Space Museum, where the wonders of space come to life! This exhibition highlights China's significant achievements in lunar and Mars missions, showcasing full-scale models of the Yutu lunar rover and Zhurong Mars rover. Visitors may discover the evolution of China's space technology, from ancient poetic musings about the Moon to groundbreaking advancements in artificial satellites and manned spacecraft. Period: Now – March 24, 2025 Venue: Foyer, Hong Kong Space Museum Admission fee: Free admission 展期: 現在至2025年3月24日 地點: 香港太空館大堂 入場費: 免費入場 太空館的「中國登月探火」展覽使太空探索 歷程上的奇蹟活現眼前!這個展覽介紹中國月 球和火星探測任務上的偉大成就,當中展示「玉 兔號」月球車和「祝融號」火星車的實物原大模 型。從古人對月亮詩情畫意的聯想,到建造人造 衛星和載人太空船上的突破,參觀人士都可以從 展覽中了解中國航天發展的卓越成就。 1