School of Engineering Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering 143 Ultra-low Latency Network Transport for Real-Time Video Streaming Supervisor: MENG Zili / ECE Student: TAM Siu Ho / ELEC Course: UROP 1100, Summer Ensuring efficient data transfer in computer networks is a critical challenge, one of the solutions is through stable flow control mechanisms. This research project focuses on enhancing flow control within a router by developing and validating a modified queuing discipline (qdisc) algorithm. An experiment was conducted to assess the functionality of the new qdisc, specifically observing its impact on the network traffic. The experimental setup involved simulating a network environment using virtual machines to test the qdisc under controlled conditions. Results demonstrated that the modified qdisc effectively managed traffic flows and introduced delays when thresholds were exceeded. These findings indicated that the new qdisc provides a mechanism for maintaining stable network flows, reducing the protentional congestion in the router. FPGA-controlled Silicon Photonic Switches for Datacenters Supervisor: POON Wing On / ECE Student: WANG Jiajun / ELEC Course: UROP 1100, Fall Under this urop project I learned to operate optic fiber and to couple it to on-chip waveguide. By changing the wavelength of the input fiber, power of input fiber and output fiber can be measured. Also, there are photodiodes on every chip. By adding different reverse bias voltage, photocurrent can be measured. Then by data processing using matlab, some interesting characteristic can be explored and derived. Including the relationship between transmission, resonance, on-chip power, wavelength, responsivity and so on. In the following, I am going to show the spectrum of microring resonator, the responsivity-wavelength characteristic of ions implanted photodiode on waveguide and photodiode operating in avalanche mode measured in this project. Quantum Interference with Photon Pairs Generated from a Nonlinear Crystal Supervisor: POON Wing On / ECE Student: CHAN Kelvin Cheuk Kwan / ELEC Course: UROP 1100, Spring In this work, attempts are made to demonstrate the presence of the Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) interference with our experimental set-up, which can be used for quantum microscopy. The set-up generally can be separated into 2 parts, namely before and after the periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) crystal, which the wavelength of concern is 780nm generated by the New Focus TLB-6712 laser for the photons before entering the crystal, and 1560nm after entering the crystal, which are photons that are generated through spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC). As both attempts to demonstrate the presence of HOM interference failed, the calibration process, measured data, and suspected problems will be documented in this report.