Summary of Research Activities: The research program aimed to explore the intrinsic properties of twisted photonic crystal slabs (TPCS), focusing on their chiral responses. Circular dichroism (CD) is used to characterize this chirality by measuring the differential transmission of right-handed versus left-handed polarized light. Understanding these properties is crucial for applications in optical devices and advanced material science. The research program successfully advanced the understanding of TPCS, particularly regarding chirality and symmetry. By leveraging advanced simulation tools and theoretical approaches, the study provided valuable insights into the complex interactions within these materials. Continued investigations will address challenges in twisted con gurations and enhance computational models, aiming for better predictive accuracy and practical applications in optical technologies. This work paves the way for designing innovative materials with tailored optical properties, potentially transforming various technological applications. Summary of Research Activities: During my 9-week internship in Prof. Wei’s lab, at the University of Chicago, I worked on a research project in which I independently explored the neural mechanism of motion detection in the mouse retina. I speci cally learned how to perform whole-cell patch clamp recording experiments, use a two-photon microscope, analyze immunohistochemistry data, and use MATLAB software to produce my stimulus and analyze the data. I worked directly with a third-year graduate student and the principal investigator of the lab (Prof. Wei). I participated and presented in the weekly lab meeting and had a weekly individual meeting with Prof. Wei and the graduate student to discuss relevant papers. Techniques I learned included learning how to perform dissections, collecting mouse retinas, performing whole-cell voltage recordings of SACs, using two-photon microscopy to visualize SACs, and possibly collecting z-stack of lled cells. Matlab was used to produce visual stimuli to present to the tissue under the two-photon microscope and analyze collected voltage recordings. ImageJ/Matlab was used to analyze existing immunohistochemistry data. LIU Yifan Major : ELEC Supervised by : Prof. SHAO Qiming / ECE Activity : Visting Undergraduate Research Intern of the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Venue : Harvard University, USA Duration : July 5 to September 10, 2024 UROP Summer School Sponsorship (by alphabetical order of student’s surname) TAN Lianxing Major : BCB Supervised by : Prof. LIU Kai / LIFS Activity : UChicago Summer Session Venue : University of Chicago, USA Duration : June 10 to August 7, 2024 Yifan (second left at the back) Lianxing (Second from the left) xiv