School of Engineering Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering 152 Nano/Microfabrication Technologies for Microelectronic Supervisor: YANG Yansong / ECE Student: XIAO Yanjing / COSC Course: UROP 1000, Summer This study delves into the complex area of micromachining technology associated with one of the most widely used microelectronic devices: piezoelectric micromechanical ultrasonic transducers (PMUTs). Through an exhaustive review of the relevant literature, this study elucidates the various machining techniques employed in the refinement of PMUT devices and reveals the complexity of their fabrication process. In addition, the complex operation of the MA6, a key tool in the micromachining process, is also examined in detail. This comprehensive study highlights the profound impact of the complex PMUT machining process on PMUT performance and the critical role of the MA6 in enhancing microelectronic applications. These insights provide a perspective on the advancement and optimization of ultrasonic transducer technology in microelectronics. Nano/Microfabrication Technologies for Microelectronic Supervisor: YANG Yansong / ECE Student: YAN Zhichen / CPEG Course: UROP 2100, Fall UROP 3100, Summer Throughout the summer, my work for UROP 3100: Nano/Microfabrication Technologies for Microelectronics has focused on several key areas. I studied published papers on PMUT design, fabrication, and related fields, explored nanofabrication materials, and delved into books on circuit design and signal communication. I actively participated in group discussions with my final project teammates and attended weekly meetings with my professor and PhD students. Additionally, I completed training on NFF equipment, specifically the configurable and compact tabletop maskless aligner with raster scan and vector exposure modules, and conducted COMSOL simulations for both single PMUT and acoustic pressure simulation for PMUT arrays. Each of these components will be detailed in the following sections. Nano/Microfabrication Technologies for Microelectronic Supervisor: YANG Yansong / ECE Student: YEUNG Chun Ting / ELEC Course: UROP 1100, Fall Micro/Nano Fabrication is critical for academic research in the microelectronic field. To effectively fabricate various structures and materials, a solid understanding of the operation principles of the equipment used must be present. In this report, a literature and technical review of various fabrication methods and technologies will be given. Sputtering, CVD (Chemical Vapour Deposition), and dry etching would be reviewed in this report, and basic analysis of their advantages and disadvantages to fabricate different materials and structures would also be conducted.