UROP Proceeding 2023-24

School of Business and Management Department of Finance 177 Department of Finance Dissecting ESG Shocks Supervisor: BISETTI Emilio / FINA Student: CHENG CHENG Yi Ting / FINA CHEUNG Tsz Chun / ECOF HA Man Yan / FINA HO Yinn Man / ECOF LAI Chi Shing / ECOF LIN Zhenyi / ECOF MA Chenxuan / MAEC YANG Zimo / ECOF Course: UROP 3100, Spring UROP 3100, Spring UROP 1100, Spring UROP 1100, Spring UROP 1100, Spring UROP 1100, Spring UROP 1100, Spring UROP 1100, Spring The project aims to study corporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) incidents through two main tasks. The first task is to identify the news sources for each ESG incident to obtain more background information and verify the reliability of the information. The second task is to evaluate the impact of these ESG incidents, including the negative impact on local employees, residents and the environment, the degree of corporate responsibility, the severity of penalties, and the impact on the supplier's operations, product quality and reputation. Through these two tasks, we try to gain an in-depth understanding of the nature and impact of ESG incidents and provide relevant insights. Measuring Product Market Competition Supervisor: BISETTI Emilio / FINA Student: CHEUNG Tsz Chun / ECOF LI Ziru / RMBI ZHANG Jiayi / MAEC ZHU Letian / ECON Course: UROP 2100, Fall UROP 4100, Fall UROP 4100, Fall UROP 2100, Fall Our project aims to evaluate the level of competition among companies by analyzing product scanner data from the Nielsen database. We use various sources, such as New Bing, Google, and Refinitiv, to search for ownership changes of each manufacturer which helps us establish a direct link between manufacturers and the ultimate parent public companies. Additionally, we calculate the Herfindahl Hirschman Index (HHI)for each product module every quarter at the county level from 2006 to 2020. To manifest market competitiveness in different regions of the United States, we also utilize this data to calculate changes in county level HHI over time and create heat maps to visualize these changes.