School of Business and Management Department of Finance 179 Institutional Investors and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Preferences Supervisor: YEGEN Eyueb Enes / FINA Student: DUAN Qiuyu / RMBI HUANG Xingsheng / MAEC KIM Yunhee / MARK SO Shing Mei / FINA TSOI Chun Ki / RMBI WANG Yushi / SGFN YAN Xizhi / ECOF YE Man Ching Natalie / ACCT YEUNG Wing Hin / GBUS Course: UROP 1100, Fall UROP 1100, Fall UROP 1100, Fall UROP 2100, Fall UROP 1100, Fall UROP 1100, Fall UROP 1100, Fall UROP 1100, Fall UROP 1100, Fall ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) has emerged as an important issue over the past few years, driven by concerns over climate change and an increased societal focus on social and environmental issues. However, it remains uncertain whether the key players in financial markets, such as asset management companies, prioritize ESG considerations. Research on ‘Institutional Investors and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Preferences’ (Project ID: Fall2021-22-1642), is undertaken in conjunction with professors from the University of Chicago, University of California at Berkeley, and Boston University, aiming to investigate the preferences of asset management companies and institutional investors concerning ESG. This report documented our work and findings from the research process. It includes (1) our finding and reflection on assigned literature related to preferences of institutional investors in different facets of corporate governance and responsible investing, and (2) committee political orientation matching, conducted in corporation with the University of Chicago. Institutional Investors and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Preferences Supervisor: YEGEN Eyueb Enes / FINA Student: QIAO Yanyang/ QFIN SO Eric Yik Huen / FINA SO Shing Mei / FINA YE Man Ching Natalie / ACCT Course: UROP 1100, Spring UROP 3100, Spring UROP 3100, Spring UROP 2100, Spring ESG investing has been a key element for consideration among institutional investors in recent years. Recent studies have also emphasised the corporate governance aspect would greatly impact the investment decision, such as the gender diversity of the board and the political affiliation. Therefore, the purpose of this project is to analyse the relationship among different corporate governance elements in ESG and the institutional investors’ preference. To conduct the project, we firstly analysed 4 selected research papers, and further helped with the data matching process with the data pool of mutual funds and investment companies. The rationale behind institutional investors’ preference would be discussed as follow.