UROP Proceeding 2023-24

Message from the President It is with great pleasure that I present to you the annual proceedings of the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP). This publication encapsulates the hard work, intellectual curiosity, and innovative spirit demonstrated by our undergraduate students over the past year. The abstracts contained within these pages showcase a diverse range of projects, all of which have contributed to the advancement of knowledge. At HKUST, we pride ourselves on fostering a vibrant research culture that encourages faculty–student exchange and discoveries across various disciplines. UROP embodies the spirit of inquiry, collaboration, and academic excellence that de nes our university. I am heartened to see so many talented students engaging in scholarly exploration. Participation in this program not only enriches their academic journeys but also equips them with valuable skills that will help them in their future endeavors. I am delighted to learn that UROP 3200, a new Common Core course rst offered under the Undergraduate experiential Opportunities Program (UxOP) in Fall 2024–25, has been well received by our students and faculty supervisors. In this course, students present their research outcomes in a mini-conference and exchange ideas with their peers and faculty supervisors across different disciplines, which provides them with an authentic experience of being a researcher. While this publication celebrates the achievements of our UROP participants, I hope it also serves to inspire those of you who have yet to embrace this unique experience. UROP offers an invaluable opportunity to deep dive into an area you are passionate about, address real-world challenges, and expand understanding in your eld. None of this would be possible without our dedicated faculty supervisors, and I extend my deepest gratitude to the faculty members who have previously and currently serve as mentors, guiding, inspiring, and empowering our students to explore new frontiers of knowledge. I look forward to seeing the continued impact of UROP at HKUST and the bright future that awaits our young scholars. Happy reading! Prof. Nancy Ip President HKUST i