UROP Proceeding 2023-24

School of Science Division of Life Science 37 Genetic Studies on Stem Cell Regulation Supervisor: XIE Ting / LIFS Student: SUH Daeun / BCB Course: UROP 1100, Fall UROP 2100, Spring Stem cells are important cells that have a potential to differentiate into various specialized cells. These cells possess a unique ability of self-renewal and differentiation, making them valuable for medical treatments by replenishing damaged cells and developing new cells. To fully utilize their potential, it is important to understand the role of variable proteins that can either upregulate or downregulate gene expression in germline stem cells (GSCs). In this research, the RNA interference (RNAi) method was employed to identify genes that potentially control the regulation of GSC development in Drosophila. The study figured out that knocking down CG17097, Baldspot, midway, Elongase68alpha, Desaturase 1, Cytochrome P450-6a8, CG9743, CG7461, CG6052, CG4822, CG42815, and CG31689 resulted self-renewal defects in Drosophila. Genetic Studies on Stem Cell Regulation Supervisor: XIE Ting / LIFS Student: TASNEEM Maisha / BIOT Course: UROP 1100, Fall Stem cells have distinctive roles in the development and maintenance of multicellular organisms with a unique property of self-renewal and differentiation of specialized cells. This special property can be harnessed to develop novel stem cell therapeutics. However, the development of such therapeutics is heavily limited by the lack of understanding of the factors regulating stem cell development. This study investigated the roles of transmembrane proteins in the development of germline stem cells in the Drosophila ovary. We discovered that the absence of certain transmembrane proteins caused defects in the self-renewal mechanism, differentiation mechanism, formation of egg chambers, and cyst packaging. Genetic Studies on Stem Cell Regulation Supervisor: XIE Ting / LIFS Student: WU Ming Chun / BIBU Course: UROP 1100, Fall Stem cells have the ability to differentiate into multiple cell types, for example, nerve cells, muscle cells, blood cells, etc. (Yamanaka, 2020). Therefore, it has great potential in clinical therapy, to treat different diseases. To Identify important genes involved in stem cell self-renewal and differentiation, genetic screening is carried out to screen the genes. In this experiment, 30 RNAi lines were crossed with Nos-gal4, C587-gal4, and Bab1-gal4, followed by genetic screening, and the abnormal phenotypes were observed by confocal screening. The abnormal phenotypes are the loss of GSC and accumulation of cysts, which indicates the defect in self-renewal and the defect in differentiation respectively. Further research and investigation are needed to understand the mechanism.