UROP Proceeding 2023-24

School of Science Department of Physics 57 Axion Cosmology Supervisor: LIU Tao / PHYS Student: ZHOU Mingrui / PHYS-IRE Course: UROP 1100, Summer This UROP project is mainly about the study of some elementary knowledged for Quantum Field Theory, which could be the basis of the research for Axion cosmology. The key idea of this process is to understand “Why QFT”? Thus, it is of great importance to realize how QFT differs from QFT, which is the way that QFT is established. Starting from QM, we solved the Schrodinger equation by building up the Hilbert space in which independent states of the particle works as the basis. However, the Hilbert space is not able to describe the behavior of systems with multiple particle, since this is not a d.o.f defined in it. As a result, in order to describe the system with multiple particles and the interactions between them, people developed QFT and transferred the Hilbert space into Fock space. Such transformation is the key idea and the basis of the whole QFT theory. During my first part of studying, I finished the following 4 chapters of QFT from Peskin, and by the end of August I will finish the whole chapter 1 of that book. The following pages will demonstrate some summary to each chapter and the examples I calculated. Axion-like Dark Matter Supervisor: LIU Tao / PHYS Student: TRANG, Dao Cong Minh / PHYS-IRE Course: UROP 1100, Fall Recently, one of the most promising candidates for dark matter particles is WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particle). Many theory hinted its existence for instance the neutralino and gravitino in Supersymmetry (SUSY) theory and its physical properties are very promising in experimental aspect. In this report, we briefly review some WIMP’s properties, especially its contribution to the relic abundance of dark matter. Investigation of CP Symmetry in Neutrino Oscillation Supervisor: LUK Kam Biu / PHYS Student: FONG Shing Hei / PHYS Course: UROP 3100, Spring The goal of this project is to investigate the charge-parity (CP) violating phase that occurs when an electron neutrino oscillates from a muon neutrino. The particle and anti-particle may behave differently in weak interaction when CP symmetry breaks. This study simulates neutrino oscillation in reactor and long baseline experiments using GLoBES. In order to determine oscillation probabilities, event rates, and χ2 values, it is utilized to examine experimental data. This contributes to our understanding of the neutrino oscillation phenomena.