HKUST PPOL Fall 2024

FEATURED STUDENT Xiao AI Graduated Student of Master of Public Management Program Before joining the MPM program, I had three years of work experience—two in auditing and one in business analysis. Reflecting on my time here, I realize that the MPM program has been an invaluable experience. It has allowed me to rediscover the joy of exploration. The MPM program has provided a thoughtful environment to consider what career path truly suits me. It’s essential to take the time to explore various options and engage with different people before making a decision. The program’s collaborative atmosphere has been particularly impactful. Nearly every course involves group assignments, fostering connections with classmates that often lead to lasting friendships. The MPM program is a unique opportunity to explore diverse options and engage with individuals from various backgrounds—some with over a decade of experience, others who are successful entrepreneurs, and many with impressive educational qualifications. This diversity enriches our perspectives and fosters a vibrant learning environment These group experiences have also illuminated areas for my personal improvement, such as developing stronger conviction in my ideas and embracing leadership responsibilities. To current students aspiring to follow a similar path, It’s also important to acknowledge your limitations. Approach your studies with humility and courage, avoiding both arrogance and timidity. My experiences in the MPM program have made me acutely aware of the complexities in policymaking. I’ve learned that there are often no clear right or wrong answers, and every proposal has its limitations. A conversation with a professor inspired me to remember that change, even on a small scale, is possible. 37 STUDENT HUB