15 How to Resynchronize the Clocks? So, what can we do to stay away from the negative effects of blue light? Many smartphones nowadays have eye protection mode and dark mode [7]. After switching to eye protection mode, the screen will turn yellowish because some of the blue light is filtered, so the red and green lights, which add up to yellow, become more prominent. Alternatively, dark mode features white text against a black background to minimize our exposure to the blue light in white backgrounds. Turning on these modes before sleep can reduce the melatonin-suppressing effect of blue light, potentially leading to a better sleep. But these are just some long-term measures. What if I have an important event the following day but find myself unable to sleep due to the recent late-night use of smartphone? And what if I am suffering from jet lag? You can try taking melatonin as an emergency remedy under the instructions provided with the medicine or by your doctor [8, 9]. Taking melatonin two hours before the desired bedtime can promote sleep by putting you into a state of quiet wakefulness [8]. However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of melatonin can vary significantly between individuals [9]. We should always seek professional medical advice when in doubt. After all, the best way to avoid blue light-induced insomnia and drowsiness at work or school is to stick to a healthy and responsible sleep routine, minimizing screen time in the hours before bed. 在現今高度互聯的世界中,智能手機已成為我們無處 不在的搭檔。然而,尤其是在睡眠習慣方面,這些設備帶 來的便利和誘惑卻可能叫我們付出沉重的代價。您有否發 現自己在晚上休息時習慣性地拿起手機,數小時後仍在瀏 覽社交媒體或觀看一條又一條的影片?如果你也是這樣, 不用怕,你絕不是少數。讓我們探討睡前使用智能手機如 何影響我們的晝夜節律,亦即是身體控制睡眠和覺醒週期 的內部時鐘。最後,我們將提供一些重拾優質睡眠的方法。 電子螢幕發出的藍光 從智能手機到電腦顯示器,現代電子螢幕利用 RGB 顏 色模型顯示不同顏色,這個方法透過混合不同強度紅、綠、 藍三種原色的光來產生各種顏色。可是,許多人沒有意識 到藍光會影響我們的晝夜節律 [1, 2]。