HKUST Alumni - Winter 2024

CLASS NOTES ALUMNI ECARD Right here, right now Exhilarating developments have been rousing alumni across the globe. Here is the latest news about your classmates. Remember, we also want to see your stories, so don’t forget to share your photos and updates via this QR code. 17 Kelvin Lo 2004 BBA(IS) I have been nominated by the Canadian Information Processing Society and awarded the David O’Leary Award for 2024 by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) IP3. The IFIP, established in 1960 under the auspices of UNESCO, presented this award on September 19, 2024. The David O’Leary Award acknowledges an individual or organization that has promoted and demonstrated professionalism, acted as an ethics evangelist, and/or made strides in fostering diversity among ICT practitioners. Dickson Lau 2007 BSc(BICH) I am a secondary school teacher, so it is with much pride that I announce that I have secured "rst prize in the "STEAM TOOL" category at the 26th Hong Kong Youth Science & Technology Innovation Competition. Additionally, the Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education awarded me the Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching 2024 (Biology). Addie Choy 2010 MA(LIBS) I have been o%cially appointed as "A Mentor in The Greater Bay Area" by the Foshan Government, China. My mission is to empower young talent to adapt and thrive in Mainland China's dynamic business environment. With my extensive experience in entrepreneurship guidance in Mainland China, I am supporting Hong Kong and Macau youth in Shunde through various channels. Kobe Yung 2016 BEng(CIVL) 2018 MPhil(CIVL) I am thrilled that my research proposal recently won international competitive funding with the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) Singapore under the A*STAR Research Attachment Programme. I will develop an advanced Arti"cial Intelligence (AI) Deep Learning model for Floating O#shore Wind Structural Digital Twin with the support of the Institute of High Performance Computing and collaborate with the world’s leading experts in AI. This will explore the potential of digital transformation of the o#shore industry and support the world’s Net-Zero target. Exodus Sit 2020 BSc(MATH) As the Chair of the IAU National Astronomy Education Coordinator and Co-National Outreach Coordinator for Hong Kong, China, I was honored to have the opportunity to share insights and educational approaches to STEAM at the XXXII IAU General Assembly 2024 in August, in Cape Town, South Africa. I presented on the topic of "Hands-on Astronomy: How to Integrate STEAM Educational Elements into Astronomy Outreach and Public Education". BEING PART OF THE ALUMNI NETWORK HAS ITS PERKS! You are a proud member of our community, now it is time to join us and unlock the power of alumni services. It is a new life after graduation, but you should continue to enjoy a wide spectrum of services no matter where life takes you. Whether you are a fresh graduate, or a more seasoned alum, the Development and Alumni O%ce (DAO) is o#ering an unparalleled range of exclusive services and bene"ts including a unique alumni email alias, Alum eCard, library services, sports facilities, special o#ers from alumni entrepreneurs, and much more. Want to Get Started? Here’s What to Do! 1. Download the HKUST Alumni App and apply for your HKUST Alum eCard 2. Apply for a Library Card to access the library and book borrowing services 3. Apply for a Sports Facilities Card to use the "tness center, swimming pool, badminton courts and more 4. Take advantage of o#ers on campus and by alumni entrepreneurs, with myriad discounts and o#ers What are you waiting for? Get your Alum eCard now: