The Power of Diversity

Born and bred in Hong Kong, Vivian graduated from Wesleyan University in Economics and Studio Art, before studying an MBA at HKUST. Vivian brings to life reality reimagined, creating an otherworldly utopia that offers the chance to see our future and to reminisce about the past. Her surreal, playful and insightful visions allow viewers to take a break from life, and re-examine the world, opening a door to the exotic, yet familiar. Vivian has held multiple solo and group exhibitions both in Hong Kong and overseas. Her works are currently collected by M+ Museum, the Foundation Valmont, Nishiji Collection and Copelouzos Family Art Museum. Hong Kong city reimagined Vivian's art work is based on imagination and sharp insight, with depictions of ordinary people in city life, creating a romantic, almost cinematic vision of life. For this exhibition, “Hong Kong city reimagined” spurs fantasy, fascination, and pride for our hometown. Through her work, Vivian creates an otherworldly utopia that allows viewe rs to re-examine the world within our daily lives. Motifs that are further explored include cultural symbols such as fire dragon, public housing estates, street scenes, neon lights in the city and mahjong, all interjected with magic realism, playfulness and Hong Kong and Cantonese nuances. 於香港出生、香港長大的 Vivian,遠赴美國 Wesleyan University 修讀經濟及 藝術,畢業後再於科大取得工商管理碩士學位。無邊的創意,驅使她將現實和 幻想結合,為這個活力之都添上一抹奇幻色彩。超現實又玩味十足是 Vivian 的 經典風格,配合細緻入微的洞察力,成功塑造出一個耐人尋味、不可思議的世 界,引領觀賞者回首過去、窺探未來。她的作品猶如一道門,讓觀賞者從每日 營營役役的生活中抽離,透過畫作,以一個全新的角度去重新審視這個既陌生 又熟悉的地方。Vivian的創作曾於香港及世界各地多個個人展覽及聯展中展出, 亦受到 M+ 博物館、Valmont 藝術基金、Nishiji Collection 以及 Copelouzos 家庭藝術博物館的青睞而收藏其中。 最動人的時光未必地老天荒 細味 Vivian 的畫作,不難感受到她豐富的想像力以及敏銳的洞察力。平凡不過 的日常場景,經過她的想像,成為了一幅幅充滿浪漫色彩,甚至帶有幾分電影 感的藝術創作。今次參展的《最動人的時光 未必地老天荒》,承載著她對這個 家的幻想、迷戀和驕傲。作品貫徹她如夢似幻的畫風,引領觀賞者透過日常生 活重新審視身處的這片土地。火龍、公共屋邨、街道、鬧市中的霓虹招牌、麻 雀牌……一個個標誌著香港特色的元素穿插於畫作之中,再融合超現實的構圖和 地道廣東話,荒誕得來亦盡顯港式情懷。