A keen photographer starting from his teenage years, Terence threw caution to the wind and became a professional photographer, after working in IT for more than a decade. Terence has developed his own style of visual design and branched out to work on commercials, corporate events and music videos, all while pursuing his passion for photography. In December 2017 and November 2018, Terence staged his exhibition "Girl. Improvise", a recollection of his 10year journey in photography, at Jao Tsung-I Academy and HKUST respectively. "Every photo is a story as well as a starting point for understanding. The photo is a by-product to jot a note during my journey of creativity", says Terence. He adds: "pursue excellence, and success will follow". He is a disciple of the famous photographer Mr Alain Yip, also known as the Venerable Chang Lin after being a monk. I shoot, therefore I am A 14-year veteran of the image industry, Terence believes that capturing the moment is like taking a breath - it is essential to life. In "I shoot, therefore I am", Terence embraces the rare opportunity to stage a retrospective of the images he has shot, bringing back treasured recollections in a vivid manner. For Terence, photography is like a key to open the door to those particular moments, just like a time machine. Famous cinematographer Mark Lee PingBing said that capturing images of fered new hope, as people came and went time after time under the unchanged scenery. The presentation of this exhibition is in "Instagram" format, intended to bring all the moments and experiences to life. 在求學時期已是攝影發燒友的 Terence,在熱誠驅使之下,離開工作了十多年 的資訊科技界,成為專業攝影師。在追尋攝影夢的路上,Terence 建立出一套 別樹一幟的視覺風格,並開始為商業廣告、企業活動,以及音樂影片擔任攝影 師。在眾多作品集之中,《當下.女孩》系列記錄了他十年來的攝影歷程,並 於 2017 年 12 月及 2018 年 11 月分別於饒宗頤文化館及科大展出。「每張照 片都是一個故事,是了解的開端。照片只是創作歷程的副產品罷了。」他續道︰ 「只要追求卓越,成功自然會找上你。」身為攝影大師葉青霖(出家後以法號 「釋常霖」修行,人稱「常霖法師」)的徒弟,Terence 以扣人心弦的相片觸 動人心。 我影.故我在 十四年的拍攝經驗,令 Terence 堅信捕捉眼前一刻就如呼吸一樣,是生命中 不可或缺的一環。《我影.故我在》是一次難得的機會,讓他與多年來記錄在 鏡頭下的風景及人物來一場跨時空對話,令一個個意義非凡的場景重現眼前。 對 Terence 來說,攝影就是一條通往回憶的時光隧道,而電影攝影大師李屏 賓亦說過,隨著時光消逝,景物依舊,人事卻全非,唯獨攝影為人們帶來新的 希望。是次參展的作品特意以 Instagram 的形式展出,令相中的每段經歷都 顯得份外親切。