The Power of Diversity

Beauty in diversity HKUST is known for its education and research in science, technology and business management. These areas of knowledge are just one side of the story – art and culture are also emerging ski l l sets among our students. Witness four alumni ar tists showcasing their abilities in this very special exhibition that shows the power of passion, following your dreams, and being the best you can be. Together We Empower – these four artists show that the collective is more important than the individual, and the sum is greater than its parts. 科大以科學、工程及工商管理學科見稱,不過這只是科大眾多面 貌的其中一元。經過時月的沉澱、發酵,我們的莘莘學子陸續展 現出藝術天份和文化造詣。這次展覽正好讓四位擁有藝術家身份 的校友一展所長,展現其滿腔熱誠、追逐夢想、突破界限所帶來 的成果。「成就未來 齊放異彩」 —— 四位藝術家以行動証明團 結就是力量。 多元之美