Page 4 - Science Focus (Issue 018)
P. 4

Jumping Genes:

          Barbara McClintock and Transposable DNA Elements

                                      ༪ᚔٙਿΪjBarbara McClintockၾDNAᔷЗɿ

                    By Chantelle Sullivan 蘇盈安

            Have  your  friends  ever  shared  with  you  a       McClintock also found another element that
        seemingly impossible scientific notion, and had you   controls the Ds transposon, which she named Ac
        thinking “There’s no way that’s possible?” This was   for activator. Ac contains all the tools and enzymes
        similar to what 1983 Nobel laureate in Physiology and   needed for Ds to move around. She found that if Ac
        Medicine Barbara McClintock faced when she came       helps Ds move out of the color gene in cases where
        to her conclusion that some genes can move around     Ds was already lying in the C gene, the anthocyanin
        the genome, and reinsert itself at other loci (positions   pigment production can be resumed. If this happens
        of the DNA). McClintock had made her discovery        in one of the cells during kernel development where
        even before the structure of DNA was elucidated.      cell division continuously occurs, the resulting purple
        However, like Gregor Mendel, the first geneticist     cell will divide and make clones of itself, and forms
        who  is  famous  for  his  pea  plant  experiments,   spots or streaks. As a result, the kernel will be speckled.
        McClintock’s discovery had not been accepted by           When McClintock shared her findings in the
        her contemporaries but was rediscovered later.
                                                              1951 Annual Symposium at the Cold Spring Harbor
            In the 1940s, McClintock was working in the Cold   Laboratory and in a publication in the same year,
        Spring Harbor Laboratory and conducted studies        she received “puzzlement, even hostility” [1] since
        focusing on the color patterns of Zea mays (maize).   the concept was deemed conceptually difficult
        At the time, many geneticists were puzzled by the     and seemingly unlikely to occur. In addition to
        variation of kernel colors on the same corn cob, which   transposable elements, she also presented her findings
        can be white, purple or speckled. People assumed      that genes can be silenced (i.e. gene expression can
        that the speckled kernels to be mutations of the white   be halted) by enzymes, which also received ridicule
        color gene and thought nothing more of it, as the     and negative criticism. She subsequently stopped
        assumption was too hard to prove true. McClintock     publishing  more  data  regarding  transposable
        took the problem into her own hands, and conducted    elements, as she thought she “must await the right
        experiments on maize, which entailed the endless      time for conceptual change.” [2] McClintock and her
        breeding of these plants.                             research were ahead of her time.
            From her experiments, she obtained evidence           It  was  only  in  the  1970s  when  her  research
        that pointed towards the existence of transposable    resurfaced and was given a second look by other
        DNA elements  which inserted themselves into the      biologists in the community. This was due to the
        color (C) gene to alter the abundance of the purple   emergence of data from others who have also
        pigment in corn called anthocyanin. She called those   identified transposable elements in bacteria and
        transposable DNA elements Ds, for disassociation.     viruses. Afterwards, Barbara McClintock gained
        When Ds jumped into C, the gene can be disrupted      the approval and acceptance of the scientific
        and the anthocyanin production is therefore halted.   community, and was awarded the Nobel Prize in
        In this case, the kernel loses its purple pigmentation   Physiology and Medicine in 1983. With her seminal
        and becomes white.                                    discovery of transposable elements, McClintock was
                                                              the pioneer of cytogenetics .

                                                              1  Transposable element: A DNA sequence that can change its
                                                                position in the genome
                                                              2  Cytogenetics: The study of the structure and function of
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