Page 23 - Science Focus (Issue 19)
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problem solving from a young age. While he was
 extremely talented in mathematics, he was also honest
 A Mysterious Maverick   and careful to follow rules. Being a man of principle,   對於如何解決這道難題的見解分享給 Hamilton,可是最終

 in Mathematics:    mathematics had great appeal to him as one had to   並沒有收到任何的回覆。因此,他決定不與其他學者合作,
 honestly follow established definitions and theorems to
 Grigory Perelman  arrive at a logically-sound conclusion. Graduating with   站在 Thurston 和 Hamilton 這些數學偉人的肩膀上,建
 distinction from Leningrad State University and earning      基於他們的發現以架構自己完整的證明。在 Perelman 開
 his PhD, he moved to the U.S. as he was invited to           始研究的五年後,克雷研究所才把龐加萊猜想列為千禧年難
 तͭዹБٙग़।ᅰኪ࢕j  numerous research positions in prestigious universities.   題,並懸賞 100 萬美元。換轉是其他人大概會對這筆可能飛
 Grigory Perelman   But, it wasn’t until he had become infatuated with   來的橫財大嘆好運,但 Perelman 卻心如止水,因為對他而
 proving the Poincaré conjecture that he decided
 to leave everything behind and return to his home
 By Chun Ho Park 朴天浩  country to solely focus on this problem.    成功證明龐加萊猜想後,Perelman 並沒有把結果正式
                                                              發表到經同儕評審(peer review)的學術期刊,只是在網
 Before his eight-year commitment to proving                  上以預印本(preprint)的形式發表,就像他只想讓其他數
 the  conjecture,  he  met  Richard  Hamilton,  a             學家了解到自己的發現一樣,而沒有想過要從自己的驚人發
 mathematician at Cornell who had made significant   究竟一個數學家應該擁有怎樣的心態才算是達至最高
 progress in solving the problem by formulating a   境界呢?當 Grigory Perelman 婉拒了因證明龐加萊猜想  現中獲取任何榮譽。為了闡明自己的發現,他欣然接受了所
 framework called the Ricci Flow [2]. In the hope of   (Poincaré conjecture)而得來的巨獎,他同時向世間證  有來自美國學術機構的邀請,包括普林斯頓大學、紐約州立
 collaboration, Perelman wrote to Hamilton and shared   明了他並不為財富和名聲所動,這是在學術界鮮有的。單從  大學石溪分校和哥倫比亞大學,到場講解自己的發現並逐一
 his idea on how to solve this problem, but did not   他拒絕接受百萬大獎,以及不久後在數學界消聲匿跡的兩件  回答在場人士的問題。不久之後,他贏得了菲爾茲獎和由克
 receive any reply. So, instead of collaborating with   事可以看到他是特立獨行的一個。作為第一位,亦是唯一一  雷研究所所頒發的獎項,但兩者都被他拒絕接受。西班牙國
 other scholars, he decided to tackle the problem in   位成功解開其中一條克雷研究所千禧年難題的數學家,他的  王也出席了頒獎典禮,卻未見 Perelman 的蹤影。「那個對
 solitude, but built upon the works of mathematical   故事似乎比他對拒絕領獎一事的解釋更令人大惑不解。  我一點也不重要。」Perelman 評論道:「所有人都明白如果
 giants like Thurston and Hamilton to solidify a complete     證明是正確就不需要額外的嘉許。」[3]
 proof. It was after five years of him working on the   那甚麼是龐加萊猜想?解開了龐加萊猜想為甚麼會令世
 problem that the Clay Institute announced it as one   界為之震驚?龐加萊猜想是拓撲學上其中一道最重要的問  智慧、勤勉和堅持絕對是使 Perelman 成功的因素,但
 of the Millennium Problems with a million-dollar prize.   題,拓撲學是數學中一個關於特別幾何物件特性的分支。在  令他甘於奉獻八年時間去解答單一問題的原因要歸功於他
 Although one could perceive this as a fortunate   拓撲學上,甜甜圈的形狀被視為與咖啡杯的一樣,因為兩者  對數學那樸素得稱得上為苦行的態度。這就是這個故事最
 circumstance, nothing had changed for Perelman: he   都可以透過被延展和扭曲變成對方,而不需要切割或從中製  具啟發性的地方:他在數學上的堅決信念只是單純地出於
 was only concerned with uncovering the truth.  造新的孔洞。雖然這是本質上是十分基礎的一個猜想,對於  對數學本身,而不是別的東西。如果要引述 Perelman 恩師
 After successfully proving the conjecture, he did   理解我們身處的空間至關重要 [1],可是它是一道著名的難  Mikhail Gromov 的一句話,那就是:「要完成偉大的工作,
 not officially publish his results in a peer-reviewed   題,使得數學家奉上不少未如理想的證明,鎩羽而歸。  你要有一顆純潔的心。你想的一切只可以關於數學,其他都
 journal, but merely posted it on the Internet as   Perelman 與不少偉大數學家一樣出生於蘇聯時期的  是人性的弱點。接受獎項就是在暴露弱點。」[3]
 What are the values that a mathematician   a preprint. It was as if he just wanted to let other   俄羅斯,自小就熱衷於解決問題。在非常有數學天份的同時,
 should hold at the highest standard? When Grigory   mathematicians know of his discovery, rather than   他亦是一個誠實而且會小心翼翼遵循規矩行事的人。作為一
 Perelman refused an enormous prize for proving the   focusing on earning the credit for his astounding work.   個做事遵循原則的人,數學對他有一種特別的吸引力,因為
 Poincaré conjecture, he also proved that he did not   To explain his discovery, he accepted all the invitations
 value wealth and fame like others in academia. Just   from various institutes in the U.S., e.g. Princeton, Stony   那是需要從已確立的定義和理論,經嚴格邏輯推論後才能  References  參考資料:
 considering the fact that he refused the million-dollar   Brook and Columbia, to deliver lectures on his solution   達至結論的一門學科。Perelman 在列寧格勒國立大學以  [1] Veisdal, J. (2019). The Poincaré Conjecture: What is the
 prize and vanished from the mathematics community   and answer everyone’s questions about the proof. Not   優等成績畢業及取得博士學位後,因為受到不少著名大學邀  shape of the universe? Retrieved from https://medium.
 shortly after, you can see that he is one of a kind.   long after that, he won the Fields Medal and the prize   請其從事研究職位而旅居美國,一直到他著迷於證明龐加  com/cantors-paradise/the-poincaré-conjecture-
 Being the first and only mathematician to solve one of   from the Clay Institute, but refused both. The King of   萊猜想才決定放下在美國的一切回到老家,獨個兒專心鑽研  cb4ca7014cc5
 Clay Institute’s Millennium Problems, his life story seems   Spain attended the award ceremony, but Perelman   這道難題。  [2] Rubinstein, H. (2011). Millennium Prize: the
 to be as mystifying as the million-dollar mystery he had   was  nowhere  to  be  found.  “It  was  completely   Poincaré Conjecture. Retrieved from https://
 deciphered.  irrelevant for me,” Perelman remarked. “Everybody   在他開始花八年心力證明龐加萊猜想之前,他遇上過另
 So, what is the Poincaré conjecture, and why is it   understood that if the proof is correct then no other   一位康奈爾大學的數學家 Richard Hamilton,Hamilton  [3] Nasar, S., & Gruber, D. (2006). Manifold Destiny: A
        以往曾構想出一 個叫「里奇流」(Ricci flow)的框 架而
 worth all the fuss? The Poincaré conjecture was one of   recognition is needed.” [3]  在這 個 問 題 上 推 進了一 大 步 [2]。Perelman 一 心 想 與  legendary problem and the battle over who solved
 the most prominent questions in topology, a subfield   Intelligence, diligence, and persistence were   it. Retrieved from
 of mathematics concerned with the properties of   certainly factors which allowed Perelman to succeed.   Hamilton 合作,因此寫了一封很長的信給他,信中把自己  magazine/2006/08/28/manifold-destiny
 special geometric objects. In topology, the shape of a   But, his austere attitude towards mathematics was
 doughnut is considered the same as that of a coffee   probably what allowed him to dedicate eight years
 cup, as one can be stretched and twisted to become   of his life to solving one problem. This is what is most
 the other, without cutting or making new holes in it.   inspiring about his story: his firm belief on mathematics
 While the conjecture was very fundamental in nature   having to be purely about mathematics itself, nothing
 and crucial in understanding the space we live in [1],   else. To quote Mikhail Gromov, one of Perelman’s
 it was notoriously difficult to prove, and many wrong   teachers, “To do great work, you have to have a
 proofs were submitted.
 pure mind. You can think only about mathematics.
 Born  in  Soviet  Russia,  home  to  many  great   Everything else is human weakness. Accepting prizes is
 mathematicians, Perelman had great passion for   showing weakness.” [3]
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