HKUST Sustainability Annual Report 2021-2022

HKUST Sustainability 19 Environment Social and Governance Report 2021-22 Energy Reduction Measures Smart Lighting for Common Areas HKUST is applying the built-in sensor LED tubes into existing luminaries that allow gradual dimming performance, which will help save 80% of lighting power and 300,000 units (kWh) of electricity per annum. The Campus Management Office has also upgraded a total of 3,500 sets of lightings in various locations around the campus. Lift Modernization Old lift is modernized into new energy efficient lift with improved lighting and ventilation. It is equipped with additional safety devices and enhanced lift control system to elevate safety standard. Chiller Replacement Project Old chiller is being replaced by a new chiller that has a higher coefficient of performance and a lower global warming potential. It is estimated to save 1.2 million units (kWh) of energy per annum. Continuous Incremental Improvements* HKUST is aiming to reach a 15% reduction of energy using the baseline of 2014, which will exceed the Hong Kong Government energy target, by 2028. The University is aware that this is a challenging goal, considering the expansion of campus footprint in terms of population and new buildings. HKUST has actively conducted different projects that contribute to energy savings that can potentially improve energy use efficiency.