IAS Community
Sep 2015
Welcome Our New Members!
IAS is pleased to welcome the following new members who have joined us in 2015:
Research Areas
A. Barton Hepburn Professor of Chemistry,
Princeton University
Theoretical Chemistry, Condensed Matter Physics,
Quantum Information Theory and
Quantum Many-Particle Systems
Garnet Chan
IAS Visiting Professor
Paul Pigott Professor of Computer Science,
Stanford University
Computational Geometry, Geometric Modeling,
Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Sensor Networks,
Robotics, and Discrete Algorithms
Leonidas J. Guibas
Professor of Physics, University of California at
Particle Physics, Neutrino Oscillation, and
Charge Parity (CP) Violation
Kam-Biu Luk
IAS Senior Visiting Fellows
IAS Visiting Fellows
Professor of Physics and Astronomy, University of
Condensed Matter Theory, Low Dimensional
and Amorphous Materials
Siu-Tat Chui
Professor of Electrical Engineering, KTH Royal
Institute of Technology
Networked Control Systems, Hybrid and Embedded
Control, and Control Applications in Automation,
Energy, and Transportation
Karl Henrik Johansson
Professor of School of Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering, Seoul National University
Robot Mechanics, Planning and Control, Vision
and Image Processing, and Related Areas of
Applied Mathematics
Frank Chongwoo Park
As of September 2015, IAS engages 38 Visiting Professors, 8 Senior Visiting Fellows, 8 Visiting Fellows and over 20 Junior Fellows and Postdoctoral Fellows from
different fields to promote multi-disciplinary research.
IAS Postdoctoral Fellow
Probabilistic Combinatorics, Random Structures,
Random Matrix Theory and Its Applications
Ke Wang
IAS Postdoctoral Fellow
Geometric Scattering Theory, Microlocal
Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
Yiran Wang
IAS Junior Fellow; Research Assistant Professor of
Life Science
Regulation of Eukaryotic DNA Replication,
Genome Organization, Chromosome Dynamics
Yuanliang Zhai
IAS Postdoctoral Fellow
Low Temperature Condensed Matter Physics,
with Focuses on the Mesoscopic Transport
Properties of Graphene
Haijing Zhang
IAS Junior Fellow; Research Assistant Professor of
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Graphene and Its Multi-Functional Applications
Qingbin Zheng
IAS Postdoctoral Fellow
Fuel Cells, Flow Batteries, Electrocatalysis, and Ion
Exchange Membranes
Lin Zeng
IAS Postdoctoral Fellow
Top Management Team Composition and
Corporate Governance/Firm Strategy/
Performance, Corporate Social Responsibility,
Firm-specific Resources and Human Capital
Guoguang Wan
IAS Postdoctoral Fellow
Scattering Theory and Mathematical Inverse Problems,
i.e. Finding the Physical Parameter Functions of a
Model from Observations and A-priori Information
Eemeli Henrik Blåsten
IAS Junior Fellow; Research Assistant Professor of
Life Science
The Role of Wnt/
-catenin Signaling in Neurodegeneration,
Regulation of Wnt/
-catenin Signaling Pathway,
DNA Damage, Repair, and Neurodegeneration
Hei-Man Chow
IAS Junior Fellow; Research Assistant Professor of
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Landslides, Flume and Centrifuge Modelling,
Discrete Element Method (DEM)
Clarence Edward Choi
IAS Postdoctoral Fellow
Nonparametric Methods, Empirical Bayes, High
Dimensional Data Analysis, Financial Statistics
Zhouping Li
IAS Postdoctoral Fellow
Early Universe Cosmology, Astroparticle Physics,
Quantum Field Theory, Astronomy and Gravity
Razieh Emami Meibody
IAS Postdoctoral Fellow
String Theory, Particle Physics, and Cosmology
Toshifumi Noumi
IAS Junior Fellows and Postdoctoral Fellows