Event Highlights
Sep 2015
Gordon Research
Conferences 2015@IAS
Initiated in 1931, the Gordon Research Conferences (GRC)
headquartered in the US have organized thousands of
scientific conferences for scientists in biological, chemical
and physical sciences disciplines to exchange their latest
findings in research and to stimulate free flows of ideas.
Since 2013, IAS has been partnering with GRC to host
these world’s premier conferences at the Institute’s Lo Ka
Chung Building atop HKUST campus every summer. The
GRC provides a platform for scientists with common
research interests across the world to come together for a
full week of intense informal discussions and interactions
on a particular subject. Postgraduate students and postdocs
can also build collaborative network with their peers in the
associated two-day Gordon Research Seminar (GRS).
IAS hosted a total of eight GRCs and two GRSs between
May and August 2015. Over a thousand renowned
scientists and young scholars gathered at IAS to discuss
in depth the most recent advances in their research fields
and to share their discoveries at the frontiers of sciences.
The majority of the conferees were non-locals. This year’s
meetings cover topics on String Theory and Cosmology,
Particle Physics, Modulation of Neural Circuits and Behavior,
Topological and Correlated Matter, Posttranslational
Modification Networks, Nano-Mechanical Interfaces, Spin
Dynamics in Nanostructures as well as Marine Molecular
Ecology. The engaging conference format not only led to
fruitful and dynamic discussions that fostered the
exchange of new beliefs, ideas and values but also
Topological and Correlated Matter
Modulation of Neural Circuits and Behavior
Particle Physics
String Theory and Cosmology