IAS Newsletter - Sep 2015 - page 23

As a unique academic platform where great minds converge, IAS offers unparalleled
opportunities for HKUST faculty members to bring in renowned scholars from around
the world for various forms of academic activities:
IAS Distinguished Lectures for distinguished scholars to give a lecture of general interests.
IAS Joint School Lectures / Seminars for outstanding scholars to give a talk of a specific topic.
IAS Programs comprising short courses, workshops, and in some cases postdoc-led / postgraduate
student-led discussion sessions. Fully-fledged programs mostly take place during term break, while
smaller-scale focused programs on particular topics are also organized during the term.
IAS Visitors Programs (IAS Visiting Professors, IAS Senior Visiting Fellows and IAS Visiting Fellows) for
prestigious scholars to make regular visits to IAS on collaborative projects with HKUST faculty members.
Sponsorship of Plenary / Invited Speakers of Activities for faculty members to help IAS build clusters of
research activities and new initiatives at HKUST in the form of standalone conferences, workshops, seminars,
symposiums, etc.
Please browse our webpage at
for further details, or contact our Director Prof Henry Tye
and Executive Director Prof Che Ting Chan to discuss further (email:
/ tel: 2358 5968).
Call for Proposals
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