Page 5 - Flight InSight Sep 2018
P. 5
Besides admiring the elegance of their form and dazzling collaboration between the aerospace and biological science
splendor of their plumage, we can gain insight from the natural communities.
flyers to advance our engineering capabilities. In particular,
Micro Air Vehicles (MAVs) have the potential to revolutionize I have put together this collection of photographs, many of
our sensing and information gathering capabilities, such as which were taken around my home and with family and friends.
environmental monitoring of areas inaccessible to ground I hope these pictures help us appreciate the beauty of the nature,
vehicles and homeland security. In order to create the broad as well as inspire the development of new flight vehicles.
flight characteristics that support take-off, forward flight of
varying speed, hover, perch, threat avoidance, station tracking, So please explore, examine, and enjoy.
and payload variations in MAVs, we need to better understand
the interplay between kinematics, geometry, and aerodynamics
of natural flyers. The common characteristics shared by MAVs
and natural flyers have spurred the active communication and