Page 13 - Science Focus (issue20)
P. 13

Overview  network collapses due to capillary action caused by   簡介
 the attractive forces between the liquid molecules.   What is a supercritical fluid?
 In 1931, an American chemical engineer, Dr.   Imagine when solvent molecules constantly vaporize   在 1931 年, 美 國 化 學 工 程 師 Samuel​Stephens​
               You are probably familiar with the concepts of boiling
 Samuel Stephens Kistler bet his colleague, Dr. Charles   from the gel, the intermolecular forces between   point and melting point (at a given pressure), and the three   Kistler 博士與同事 Charles​Learned 博士打賭,說他們可
 Learned, that they could replace the liquid inside   the remaining liquid molecules keep pulling the   states of matter. However, a substance can also exist as   以把啫喱內的液體換成氣體而不會使它塌陷。他們把這個
 a jelly with gas without shrinking it. Dubbing this   molecules together to fill the vacancy produced   “supercritical fluid” when subjected to high temperature   概念稱為「氣凝膠」,並最終使用二氧化矽造出史上第一塊
 concept “aerogel”, they managed to make the first   in order to maintain the density of the gel. This also   and pressure above its “critical point”, beyond which the
 aerogel with silica [1]. Afterwards, other materials,   induces an inward stress on the delicate network of   molecules are completely vaporized but compressed to the   氣凝膠​[1]。此後,其他材料,譬如氧化鋁、纖維素、卵白蛋
           extent that is as dense as those in the liquid. A supercritical
 such as alumina, cellulose, egg albumin, rubber and   the gel, causing the network to collapse and shrink.  fluid therefore shows the properties of both states, and the   白、橡膠和瓊脂都被用於製作氣凝膠​[1,​2]。你知道氣凝膠
 agar, were also used to produce aerogels [1, 2]. Do   clear distinction, including the visual boundary, between   是怎樣製造的嗎?讓我們探索一下氣凝膠的科學和它一系
 you know how aerogel is made? Let’s discover more   In Dr. Kistler’s paper, he proposed a method   the liquid and gas phases disappears. For methanol (an   列的應用,這全都要歸功於它的密度和隔熱特性。
 about the science of aerogel and its wide range   called “supercritical drying”, which consists of two   alcohol), the critical pressure and temperature are 8.1035 x
 of applications thanks to its density and thermal   steps [2]. First, a water-based hydrogel can be   10  Pa (around 80 atm, i.e. 80 times atmospheric pressure)
           and 512.6 K (239.45 C) respectively [6].
 insulating properties.                                       如何製造氣凝膠
 submerged in alcohol to substitute the water in the
 jelly with alcohol via diffusion. Then, the hydrogel             要明白如何製造氣凝膠,我們首先要了解果凍的結構​
 How to Make Aerogel  is subjected to a high temperature and pressure    The Exciting Properties and Applications  —​對,是香甜有彈性,大家都喜愛的果凍啊!想像你正在廚
 beyond its critical point in a machine called                房準備果凍,你需要用上三種材料:果凍粉、水和糖。我們可
 In order to understand how aerogel is produced,   autoclave. The alcohol inside the now alcohol-  Hooray – we have discovered how to produce   以暫且忽略糖,因為它只為果凍提供甜味。製作出來的果凍
 we first need to understand the structure of jelly   based hydrogel is induced to reach its “supercritical   aerogel, now what? Let’s look at some of the most   含有 95%​水份和少量的多孔固體結構,這樣的結構被定義
 – yes, the chewy, sweet jelly that everyone loves.  fluid” phase, in which the adhesive forces between   interesting properties, namely the density and
 Imagine cooking jelly in your kitchen, there are three  the fast moving molecules become insignificant   thermal insulation. In fact, aerogel can even be   為水凝膠(hydrogel)。要製作氣凝膠,我們會希望把水凝
 main ingredients you need: jelly powder, water and  due to the overwhelming kinetic energy gained.   膠當中的水轉換成氣體。
 sugar. In this case, sugar can be taken out of the  If  we  hold  the  temperature  above  the  critical   made with up to around 99.9% air [3], which makes
 equation because it provides only the sweet taste.  temperature but depressurize the autoclave at this   the aerogel very light, while allowing it to maintain   要把水凝膠中的水換走這個步驟聽起來很簡單,但其實
 The resulting jelly, which is 95% water with a small  stage, all the fluid inside the hydrogel becomes gas   a sturdy structure. Naturally, the lightest known   非常複雜。如果你僅是把凝膠加熱令當中的液體汽化,液體
 amount of porous solid support, is defined as one of  solid is also an aerogel, called graphene aerogel,   分子之間的吸引力會令凝膠的固體網狀結構因毛細管作用
 the hydrogel structures. To make aerogel, you want  (Figure 1). By converting the liquid alcohol into gas   or aerographene, which is 7.5 times lighter than   塌陷,令整塊凝膠收縮。試想像溶劑分子不斷從凝膠汽化,
 to replace the water in hydrogel with air.  via this intermediate supercritical fluid phase, the   air in vacuum [3]. Another interesting property is   剩下的液體分子藉著分子間的吸引力不停把餘下的分子拉
 solid jelly structure is preserved due to the absence   its excellent thermal insulation ability. Air itself is a
 Swapping water for air in hydrogel sounds simple,   of the capillary action brought by intermolecular   poor thermal conductor, but it can still transfer heat   在一起,以彌補分子流失所產生的空位以維持凝膠的密度。
 but it’s actually very complex. If you simply vaporize   attractions. Voilà – you have produced aerogel from   by convection. However, in aerogel, the narrow   這會在纖巧的凝膠骨架產生一股向內收縮的壓力,令網狀
 the liquid by heating the jelly, it shrinks as its solid   hydrogel.  space in the nanostructure hinders air molecules   結構塌陷並收縮。
        from moving freely and effectively, and hence
        prevents convection of the air trapped inside [4],        在 Kistler 博士的論文中,他提出了一種名為「超臨界
        which enables aerogel to be an even better thermal    乾燥(supercritical​drying)」的方法,過程涉及兩個步
 氣凝膠  —  is the use by NASA in some of their space missions [5].   擴散作用被換成酒精。然後,把水凝膠放進一部名為高壓釜
        insulator than air.
            One of the most popular applications of aerogel

 由空氣構成的物質及其特性  In the Stardust mission, aerogel was used to collect   (critical​point)以上,令水凝膠中的酒精處於「超臨界流
        samples of interstellar dust because the rapidly
        moving dust particles can decelerate gradually        們在這時把溫度維持在臨界溫度以上,但把高壓釜減壓,水
        and embed itself in the sponge-like porous structure   凝膠內的所有流體都會變成氣體(圖一)。透過超臨界流體
 Aerogel   –  of aerogel. In addition, in the Mars Rover mission,   這個相把液體變成氣體,固體的凝膠結構能得以保存,因為
        aerogel is used as a layer of insulation to protect
 An Air-Based Material and   electronic circuits inside the Mars rover against the   我們避免了分子間吸引力所帶來的毛細管作用。瞧,你已經
        huge diurnal temperature variation on Mars.
 Its Exciting Properties  From the story of aerogel, we can see that a   有趣的特性和應用

        groundbreaking invention may just stem from a
        simple and fun idea. Who knows – perhaps your             好耶!我們知道怎樣製造氣凝膠了,然後呢?讓我們認
        idea can make a breakthrough in science and           識一下其有趣的特性,分別是密度和隔熱能力。事實上,氣
 By Randy Stefan Tanuwijaya
        technology one day!                                   凝膠最多可以含有高達 99.9%​的空氣​[3],這使氣凝膠擁

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