Oracle Bone Calligraphy Exhibition of Xie Chunling

8 【時】系列 “The Calendar” Series 《合集》29250 釋文: (中下至上)王其田 ,藝,湄日亡(無)〔 〕。莫(暮) 田亡(無) (災)。 譯文: 商王在 (地名)舉行狩獵活動,獵殺動物(『藝』 或作『 』,此讀作『邇』,訓『近』,通『獮』,表示 『殺』。),整日沒有災禍嗎?傍晚時分狩獵沒有災禍 麼? 注釋: 『莫』(上),殷商時代的時稱,指稱下午大約5點至7 點時段。此義後來寫作『暮』。 “莫”(Mo)referred to the twilight period approximately between 5 and 7 p.m. in the Yin Shang Dynasty. The character “莫”highlighted at the top of this piece is a pictograph originated from an image of the sun falling into the grass. It indicated the time period from 5 to 7 p.m. In contemporary Chinese, the character of this meaning is written as“暮”. The part containing the term“莫”was a divination on whether there would be no disasters when the Shang King was hunting at twilight. 莫(暮) Twilight (2020) 50cm x 33cm