Oracle Bone Calligraphy Exhibition of Xie Chunling

15 釋文(1):(左上左起右行):乙未卜,貞于 告秋 。 (右下左起右行):乙未卜,[賓],貞于上甲告秋 。 譯文(1):乙未日占卜,問,向先公 報告秋蟲興害之事麼? 乙未日占卜,問,向先公上甲報告秋蟲興害之事麼? 釋文(2):(中左起右行):貞丁巳雨。 譯文(2):卜問,丁巳日下雨麼? A divination on whether to report to the ancestors on the fall infestation and also whether it would rain. 釋文:(左起右行) 己巳……貞……亡(無)… …。 方…… 其 (辭殘,未詳) 注: ,被閹的豬隻。 This is an incomple inscription. The character means a pig being castrated. 香港大學美術博物館藏品 From the Collection of University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong 香港大學美術博物館藏品 From the Collection of University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong 6.3cm (L) x 8.5cm (W) x 0.5cm (D) 5.5cm (L) x 6.7cm (W) x 0.5cm (D)