Page 10 - Science Focus (issue 15)
P. 10

Cancer is often regarded as a grim                    The NCI carried out further testing to study the
        and dreadful state of human health in our modern      anti-cancer activity of Taxol during the next 10
        society – with millions of new diagnoses annually;    years.  It was found to be a very potent substance,
        statistics estimated that more than one in three      showing significant activity against lung, ovarian
        people will develop cancer at some stages of          and mammary cancers, at various stages of
        their lives [1]. Cancer is a group of diseases that   progression when tested in mice [3]. Furthermore,
        commences when certain cells start mixing up          Dr. Susan Horwitz of Yeshiva University revealed
        signals and instructions, causing the cells to grow   that Taxol works by targeting rapidly dividing cells,
        and divide abnormally, with the potential of          getting inside of them and attaching to a tubular
        spreading throughout the body causing numerous        scaffold structure called microtubules, preventing
        complications. Although a lot remained unknown        the cells from dividing [4].
        regarding its mechanism, scientists work extremely        It seems to be going so well! Taxol stops the
        hard to save the lives of as many patients as         division of cancer cells, which could counter the
        possible! And of course, they would always be         rising cases of cancer, however…
        hoping to discover a substance to “cure” cancer….
                                                                  In 1983, further experiments with Taxol were
            In the early 1960s, the American National
        Cancer Institute (NCI) initiated a wide anti-cancer   halted quickly due to a shortage of supplies. In
                                                              fact, Taxol is found only in small amounts in nature,
        screening, where they analyzed thousands of plant     and along with many difficulties in harvesting and
        species for their ability to stop tumor  growth. One   extraction – only 0.5 g of Taxol was isolated from 12
        source that displayed promising activity against      kg of Pacific yew tree samples (equivalent to 0.004
        cancer was the stem and bark of Pacific yew trees,    % yield), requiring the removal of six 100-year old
        Taxus brevifolia. Drs. Monroe Wall and Mansukh        trees to treat one patient [5]. On top of that, these
        Wani’s team at the Natural Products Laboratory        trees are amongst the slowest growing trees in the
        spent years concentrating and purifying the active    world and were already on the brink of extinction.
        anti-cancer component, with repeated careful          Complete chemical synthesis was not commercially
        organic solvents partitioning. Eventually, in 1967,   viable – Taxol has a very complex structure,
        they managed to collect a pure form of the active     requiring 35 to 51 steps for its total synthesis, resulting
        ingredient  – a very complex, non-polar molecule,     in a low yield (0.4 %) and very high costs [6, 7]. This
        which they named paclitaxel, later known by its       pressured scientists to find more efficient
        tradename Taxol [2].
                                                              ways to obtain Taxol.


        — The Pathway to Cancer Treatment?

        紫杉醇                     ─ 從自然而來的癌症良藥?

                                      By Yasine Malki 馬建生
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