Page 26 - Science Focus (issue 15)
P. 26

If you’ve seen Marvel movies, you probably        preservation, a pivotal application of callus induction
        know about Baby Groot, the tree-like creature that    is  the  production  of  secondar y  metabolites.
        has captured the hearts of millions of fans around the   Secondary metabolites are organic substances that
        world with his cuteness. One of his most memorable    are produced by plant cells. They are not directly
        moments was when he was blown into a million          involved in plant development, but are medically
        pieces but still made a miraculous comeback. This     valuable to humans. Again, scientists need only pick
        was because, a single twig fragment of himself was    some cells from the plant and grow it in callus culture.
        recovered and grown in a pot of soil, like a real-life   The resultant cells or tissues can then be a source for
        sapling. This enabled him to regrow his tree-like body   extracting these important secondary metabolites.
        in the film. Given that it’s a sci-fi movie, it might come   By doing so, the wild populations of those rare
        as a surprise to you that plants in real life can indeed   medicinal plants can be left relatively undamaged
        regenerate themselves from the tiniest of fragments.   and conserved, while we can massively produce the
        This process, already a robust technique used in      secondary metabolites. One famous example of this
        contemporary biology, is known as callus induction.   is ginsenoside. Wild ginseng takes years to grow and
                                                              has very low yield. However, with callus induction,
            To start off with, a callus refers to a ball of plant   roots of ginseng plants can be cultivated from calli
        cells that have not been developed into a specialized   in shorter periods and ginsenoside can be extracted
        cell type. Amazingly, these cells are capable of      from the roots with higher yields. In addition, callus
        differentiating into many different cell types given   induction can also be used in conjunction with plant
        the right conditions. With this knowledge in mind,    transfection. To introduce specific changes to the
        callus induction is easy to understand. To do so, you   plant genome, scientists use Agrobacterium to deliver
        take a few cells from a plant and culture it in a petri   genes into plant cells. The cell regenerates completely
        dish with medium containing plenty of nutrients. The   into a plant, with the genetic modifications, thanks
        most important of which are the plant hormones,       to callus induction.
        auxin and cytokinin. When these two hormones
        are mixed in intermediate ratios, the cell will grow      It is pretty amazing how callus
        and divide, forming a ball of plant cells, the titular   induction is possible to begin
        callus. Afterwards, once, the callus has been grown   w ith. Whi le some animals
        sufficiently, it is transferred to a new culture medium.   may be able to regenerate
        When there is more cytokinin than auxin, the shoot    d a m a g e d  t i s s u e  b y
        growth of the callus is stimulated. Conversely, when   t h e m s e l v e s l i k e t h e
        there is more auxin than cytokinin, root growth is    planarian flatworm with
        stimulated. By altering the ratio of auxin and cytokinin,   adult pluripotent stem
        the callus is eventually coerced to regenerate itself   cells, few others do.
        from the multicellular mass of cells to a fully grown   Likewise, no other man-
        plant that is genetically identical to the plant from   made machine can
        which the original cells were taken. Thus, you have   regenerate itself from
        a complete clone of the original plant, just like how   the tiniest of fragments,
        Groot regenerates himself in a pot in the movies.     making plants ver y
        Indeed, in this instance, what seems made-up on the   special in this regard.
        silver-screen is actually completely possible.        This  proper ty,  easily
                                                              dismissed as fiction,
            On its own, callus induction isn’t very special.   i n d e e d i s fa c t.  W h o
        But its applications are quite diverse and useful.    knows, maybe some other
        For one, it can be used to regenerate near-extinct    phenomena we imagined in
        species of flora, such as orchids, very easily. All one   movies or books can one day
        has to do is to pick some cells from said endangered   be realized in life. All we have to
        plant and make some clones of it. Besides species     do is to look out for it.

        References  參考資料:
        [1] Callus Culture: History, Principles and Significance | Plant Tissue Culture. (2015, October 26). Retrieved from http://www.
        [2] Ikeuchi, M., Sugimoto, K., & Iwase, A. (2013, September 01). Plant Callus: Mechanisms of Induction and Repression. Retrieved from http://
        [3] Transformation 1 - Plant Tissue Culture. (n.d.). Retrieved from
        [4] Wagner, D., Wang, I., & Reddien, P. (2011). Clonogenic Neoblasts Are Pluripotent Adult Stem Cells That Underlie Planarian Regeneration.
           Science, 332(6031), 811-816.
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