Page 10 - Science Focus (Issue 016)
P. 10


                                                                                                                                    SPF 30
                                                                                             By                                     SPF 30
                                                                                             Chantelle Sullivan

                                                              base mutations. Therefore, ROS generation can increase
                                                              the probability of obtaining harmful mutations in the
            To catch the tail end of summer, visits to the
        beach and outdoor activities are a definite must on   skin and connective tissue, which has the potential to
                                                              develop into skin cancer.
        the list of things to do –    and sunscreen is something we
        often take for granted in situations like these. We are   The second type of ultraviolet radiation, UVB, with
        often simply told that the higher the SPF the better. But   a wavelength from 280-315 nanometers, does direct
        what does the SPF represent?                          damage to DNA by inducing a bend or kink to the
                                                              double helix. It accounts for 5% of total UV radiation
            SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor. Most sunscreens
        on the market have an SPF between 15 and 50. Those    that reaches Earth. A majority is absorbed by the
                                                              atmosphere, but it is the main culprit behind sunburn.
        that are higher than 50 have not been confirmed to be   This subtype of UV radiation also causes an increase in
        more effective at shielding the skin from ultraviolet (UV)   melanin (a dark pigment) production by the skin upon
        radiation. In addition, no sunscreen is 100% effective in   exposure.
        protecting the skin from being penetrated by UV. The
        SPF number gives a rough indication as to how long        Fortunately, the third subtype UVC, with the shortest
        the skin stays protected after application. For example,   wavelength of 100-280 nm, does not pose a threat
        a sunscreen with SPF 30 prevents skin from burning for   against our skin since it is fully absorbed by the ozone
        30 times longer than usual. It is important to note that   layer.
        even high SPF sunscreens need reapplications to ensure    Sunscreens contain both inorganic and organic
        sufficient protection.
                                                              chemicals as the main active ingredients to protect
            You may have also noticed sunscreens being        our skin against the sun’s UV radiation. Most inorganic
        advertised as “broad spectrum” – meaning that they    chemicals act as a physical barrier and can reflect
        protect against both UVA and UVB radiation. But what   the UV rays that hit the surface of our skin. The most
        are they? They are the ultraviolet rays emitted by the   common types of inorganic chemicals used in
        sun, which are categorized into three subgroups: UVA,   sunscreen are titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. They are
        UVB and UVC.                                          added to sunscreen in the form of nanoparticles of 20-
                                                              40 nm. Their high refractive index coupled with their
            UVA has a wavelength ranging from 315-400
        nanometers (nm; i.e. 10  m) and accounts for 95% of   ability to scatter both UVA and UVB rays makes them
                                                              the perfect candidate for use in sunscreens.
        solar ultraviolet radiation that reaches the surface of
        Earth. It can penetrate past the skin into connective     On the other hand, organic chemicals such as
        tissue and cause indirect damage to DNA through       oxybenzone absorb ultraviolet radiation and dissipate
        the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The   it as heat which is a rather harmless form of energy.
        energy within ultraviolet radiation gives it the ability to   However, such active ingredients vary in photostability,
        “knock off” an electron from molecules such as water,   which is their stability when exposed to UV. Therefore,
        resulting in a highly reactive and unstable molecule,   certain organic chemicals are prone to breakdown as
        also known as a free radical. Their toxicity to our cells is   they absorb UV radiation within their bonds. Because of
        due to their unpaired electron. This molecule can then   this phenomenon, and to replenish the sunscreen that
        attack important biomolecules such as DNA, leading to   has been washed away by water and sweat, it is crucial
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