Page 25 - Science Focus (Issue 016)
P. 25

Whose thesis/scientific work would you like to   您希望閱讀哪位科學家的論文或著作?能否介紹一下這
                read? Could you please tell us more about the   位科學家及其研究?
                scientist and his/her work?

        Prof. Gyu-Boong Jo:
            Because I am a physicist, of course, I read papers and
        theses related to my field. However, before I started my   論文。但是在我開始我的學術生涯前,我十分喜愛找一些非常
        academic career, I really loved to find some very old papers   舊,或是由知名的物理學家們所寫的論文。我很難只指出一個
        or those written by very famous people. I cannot point out   人,但舉例說我會試著閱讀 Einstein(愛因斯坦)與另一名研
        only a single person, but, for example, I tried to read some   究量子理論的物理學家 Paul Dirac 的文章。當時,我無法完
        articles written by Einstein, and Paul Dirac, a famous guy who   全地理解那些文章,因為有些論文是以德文書寫的。就算是有
        developed the quantum theory in the old days. At that time, I
        couldn’t fully understand those papers and especially because   英文版本,我還是無法能夠完全了解透徹,但能得知物理學家
        some were written in German. Although there were English   們如何在一百年前構想出量子理論還是非常吸引的。我真的享
        versions, I couldn’t fully understand the work. Nevertheless, it   受了解前人如何在當時發展出「新」概念。畢竟如果你只閱讀
        was still fascinating to find out how the quantum theory was   現時的教科書,它們很多時都不會深入地闡釋一百年前在那個
        conceived a hundred years ago. I really enjoy knowing how   課題上發生過的事情。
        those people developed “new” concepts in the old days. If you
        just read the latest textbooks, they sometimes don’t explain
        that well what happened a hundred years ago about the same   劉振鈞教授:
        Prof. Stanley Lau:                                    趣。當水被污水污染時,它便成為了病原體的載體。那些因
            I am an environmental microbiologist, and I am interested
        in water pollution issues. When the water is polluted by   會得到一些由水傳播的疾病。
        sewage, it will become a carrier of pathogens. People who   我喜歡閱讀 John Snow 的作品,因為它是研究水媒病
        are in contact with the water, either by drinking, swimming,
        or other recreational activities will have the chance of getting   (經水傳播的疾病)流行病學的第一人。它的研究在十九世紀
        waterborne diseases.                                  進行,甚至比在 1850 年由 Louis Pasteur 提出的「病菌說」
            The work that I really like to read about is John
        Snow’s because he was the first one who investigated the   物(細菌或病毒等)感染。而 John Snow 提出的假說是指當時
        epidemiology of waterborne diseases. His research was   在倫敦爆發霍亂原因是地下水受污水污染。在當時,人們認為
        conducted in the 19th century even before the germ theory   得到疾病的原因是因為呼吸到「壞的」空氣,然而他們卻甚至
        of diseases was proposed in 1850 by Louis Pasteur. The germ   不知道那空氣中實際上含有什麼。他們認為那是由風傳遞的,
        theory of diseases states that we got diseases by the infection
        of microorganisms such as bacteria and virus. John Snow   但事實上它是藉由水來傳播的。他們沒有足夠關於疾病傳播及
        came up with the hypothesis that the main culprit of a massive   細菌污染食物和水的知識,因此那種說法在當時十分普遍。因
        cholera outbreak in London was the sewage contamination   此,身為一個研究水污染和與污染相關微生物學的科學家,我
        of groundwater. At that time, people thought that diseases   真的喜歡閱讀他的作品。
        are caused by breathing “bad air”, but they didn’t even know
        what were actually in the air. They thought it was something
        transmitted in the wind, but, obviously, it was something
        transmitted in the water. They didn’t have the knowledge of
        disease transmission and bacterial contamination of food or
        water, so this kind of ideas were really common, until John
        Snow’s investigation. Therefore, for a person working on
        water pollution and the microbiology of pollution, I really like
        to read about his work.

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