Page 4 - Science Focus (Issue 016)
P. 4


                                                              Square Root of Two

                                                    – at the Cost of a Life

            Our life is surrounded by numbers, to be more     mathematicians believe that he actually succeeded. The
        specific, integers. “I have 3 courses today.” “Apples cost 15   proof itself was not too complicated as any undergraduate
        dollars per 2 kilograms.” In the latter case, 1 kg of apples   student in math can proof it nowadays. But for Pythagoras
        costs 7.5, or 15/2 dollars. This kind of number expressed as   and his followers, the result was unacceptable. This
        ratio of two integers are called rational numbers. Research   discovery did not only prove that Pythagoras’ concept
        shows that integers and rational numbers actually came   of “all is (rational) number” was wrong mathematically,
        from daily life’s counting. They were just symbols invented   it shook the philosophy behind his entire explanation of
        by our ancestors to make records of the amounts of    the world. Pythagoras thus ordered Hippasus to keep this
        objects thousand years ago.                           result as a secret. But Hippasus was too excited to be quiet
            Around fifth century BC, ancient Greece. Pythagoras   – imagine a physics student rigorously proved that Einstein
        of Samos, a famous mathematician and philosopher, set          was wrong (in math nothing counts but rigorous
        up the so-called Pythagorean School. Influenced by                 proof), it must be impossible for him to not
        religious and daily experience, his theory stated that               tell anyone about his breakthrough. The
        everything in the universe is made out of natural                      wrath of Pythagoras burst out when
        numbers. And ratio can be used to express                               he knew Hippasus “revealed” the
        the relationship between any two things —                                result to some of his close friends. It
        from the rules of planetary motion to the                                is generally believed that this young
        arrangement of musical notes [1]. Scientists now                         student was then condemned to
        believe that the Pythagorean scholars arrived                           death by being thrown overboard
        at this thought based on their belief that there are                   during a sea voyage [1-4].
        infinite number of rational numbers. Accordingly, it                     The murder did not settle things
        is reasonable for Pythagoras to make the assumption               down. Not long after Pythagoras’ demise,
        that an infinite amount of numbers is enough to describe     the idea of irrational numbers quickly took its
        the whole world [2].                                  position in the world of mathematics. Not only in Greece,
                                                              mathematicians in India also discovered and announced
            A question about this was quickly raised by Hippasus
        of Metapotum, one of Pythagoras’ students. He noticed   the existence of irrational numbers decades later. Euclid,
            that the length of diagonal of a square, of which   one of the most important mathematicians in human
                            each side has the length of 1, might   history, proved √2 is irrational in 3  century BC, which was
                                not be represented by ratios   recognized as the first formal proof of this result by modern
                                 of two integers. According to   mathematics [1]. More complex irrational numbers were
                                 Pythagoras’ own theory, this   discovered and carefully studied since then. Important
                                 number should be equal to    irrational numbers such as π and e, nowadays play an
                                 the square root of 2. Hippasus   important role in mathematics study and research.
                                 tried  hard  to  express  this     Although the details of the work done by Hippasus
                               number as a ratio of integers,   is not clear today, mathematicians still consider him as
                               but in vain [3]. It was the first   the first one who discovered irrational numbers. He was
                             time that someone noticed that   admired not only for his work, but also for his spirits of
                              Pythagoras  might  be  wrong.   curiosity, perseverance and questioning the authority,
                               Hippasus  then  took  a  bold   which is precisely the soul of math. As for Pythagoras,
                               move. Instead of giving up on   on one hand, mathematicians are grateful for his job of
                          this annoying number, he tried to   clarifying the system of rational numbers and some famous
                        prove that it didn’t equal to the ratio of   results in various disciplines of math. On the other hand,
                         any two integers.                    his arrogance, refusal to new ideas and being terrified
                                                              to admit making mistakes are considered to be the most
                             A l t ho u g h  w e  don ’ t  k no w
                         much about his method, most of       harmful characteristics for not just mathematicians, but
                                                              scientists in every subject.
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