Page 24 - Science Focus (issue20)
P. 24

waiting for us to solve, and you, dear reader, might
                                                     The Twin Prime                                                             participants turned their attention to Maynard's new   1  Conjecture: A proposed statement waiting to be proved. A
                                                                                                                                                                                     solve one of those some day!
                                                                                                                                methods, hoping that the conjecture could be solved
                                                                                                                                once and for all.
                                                                                                                                   Thus began Polymath8b, a continuation of the
                                                           Conjecture and
                                                                                                                                previous project, which now involved James Maynard;
                                                                                                                                                                                       proved conjecture becomes a theorem.
                                                                                                                                together, the mathematicians tried to push the gap
                                                                                                                                                                                     2  A small aside: primes that have a difference of six are, somewhat
                                                                                                                                forms of resistance. After all, one could only improve
                                                                                                                                                                                       so the label is as in twin primes).
                                                     the Polymath Project                                                       down further, but this time they were met with other   hilariously, known as “sexy primes” (“sex” is the Latin prefix for “six”,
                                                                                                                                bounds for so long – nevertheless, the results were quite
                                                                                                                                encouraging. In April 2014, just one year after Zhang
                                                                                                                                published his results, the bound stood at 246; assuming
                                                                                                                                an additional result on the distribution of primes,
                                                                                                                                known as the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture, the bound    As is now customary for these articles, we will end with
                                                                                                                                                                                         a problem, this time about prime numbers [11]:
                                                        孿生質數猜想與博學者計劃                                                            can be reduced to 6 (footnote 2) [8, 9]. However, to     Let n be an integer ≥ 4.
                                                                                                                                lower the bound to 2 for the Twin Prime Conjecture,
                                                                                                                                new methods have to be invented in order for further     Our goal is to arrange the numbers 1, 2, …, n in a
                                                                                                                                                                                         circle, so that any two neighboring numbers add up
                                                         By Sonia Choy 蔡蒨珩                                                      progress.                                                to a prime number. For example, (1, 2, 3, 4) is a valid
                                                                                                                                                                                         arrangement for n = 4:
                                                                                                                                   The Polymath Project has always been an
                                                              including a stint as an accountant at his friend’s                interesting exposition in mathematical research – the
                                                              Subway franchise, before becoming a lecturer at the               open-sourced nature of the project causes results to
                                                              University of New Hampshire in 1999 [2]. No one had               come extremely quickly, at a speed far greater than
                                                              heard of him before his breakthrough, which makes                 regular mathematical collaborations, which often
                                                              his pioneering work even more remarkable. Before                  involve just a few mathematicians corresponding with
                                                              Zhang’s breakthrough and subsequent work built on                 each other. It is often likened to drinking out of a fire
                                                              that by others, there was no real upper bound on                  hose – the speed at which breakthroughs happen is
                                                              the maximum gap between primes; efforts were, of                  simply thrilling. On the flip side, some may be hesitant
                                                              course, made on the problem, but it largely refused               to participate, as all their mistakes will be left open on
            There are math problems that are thoroughly       to budge. In April 2013, Zhang published his results,             the discussion forum permanently; others argue that
        incomprehensible to the layman – the Riemann          showing that there were infinitely many primes with               the speed doesn’t allow mathematicians to dwell
        hypothesis needs a fair amount of sophisticated       a gap less than 70 million – a large number, but a                on some things for a longer period of time, perhaps      However, this proves to be impossible for odd n. Why?
        math to explain, for example. And then there are      finite one. This was news that set the math community             yielding more results [10]. The question is, in this age of   (As a bonus question, if n + 1 and n + 3 are twin
        those that even a ten-year-old could understand.      ablaze. Amidst a flurry of interest in the new result,            the internet, are Polymath Projects the way forward in   primes, then can you construct an arrangement for
        The famous Twin Prime Conjecture (footnote 1) is      Polymath8 began.                                                  mathematical research?                                   n?)
        definitely in the latter category – conjectured by
        Alphonse de Polignac in the 19th century, it states       T h e  Po l y m ath  Pro j ect  wa s  fo u n d ed  by            Perhaps time will tell. The Polymath projects so
        that there are infinitely many pairs of prime numbers   mathematician Timothy Gowers, who started the                   far have tackled tasks that were easily divided into
        that differ by two – hence the name "twin" prime.     first project on his blog in 2009 [3]. It is a massive            parts, so different people could work on different
        For example, 3 and 5 are twin primes, and so are 71   mathematical collaborative project, with a goal set               components before piecing the details together. But
        and 73. As we get to larger numbers, prime numbers    out at the beginning, and different mathematicians                if there is one moral from the story of the Twin Prime
        show up less frequently. However, we have also found   contributing to the goal through online discussions              Conjecture, it is that breakthroughs come in different
        ridiculously big twin primes [1] – the current record   open to everyone. Usually a mathematician                       forms, from a lone mathematician working alone for                       Solution 答案
        being 2996863034895 × 2 1290000   – 1 and 2996863034895   serves as a host, with their blog becoming the                years, to the rapid-fire breakthroughs of a group think
        × 2 1290000   + 1, with 388,342 decimal digits – which leads   project’s discussion forum, and allowing all people      tank. There are still numerous mathematical questions
        us to believe that there might be an infinite number of   to participate as long as they could chip in with
        twin primes; no matter how large you go, you might    some insight [4]. The results were usually published
        always expect a pair of twin primes ahead.            in academic journals under the pseudonym D.H.J.                      Interested and mathematically     Timothy Gowers, the founder of   James Maynard, one of the main
                                                              Polymath. Polymath8, the eighth project in the series,               advanced readers may wish to      Polymath, also has a blog, which   contr ibutors  to  this  problem,
            There isn't very much to say about the problem,   was started by Terence Tao, arguably the world’s                     read Terence Tao’s blog (but be   is more accessible to the layman:    also talks about the Twin Prime
        but more interesting is how progress has been made    most famous mathematician, in June 2013 [5]. The                     warned that you will need a lot of   博學者計劃的創辦人Timothy​Gowers       Conjecture on Number phile:
        in recent years. People might think of math research   project set out to improve Zhang's work and give a                  mathematical background!):        也有寫網誌,裡面有不少比較容易看懂的               為問題帶來重大突破的​James​Maynard
        as a solitary affair, imagining a mathematician       more accurate upper bound of the prime gap. A                        如果你對以上的數論有興趣,又學過                  內容:                              也有在著名Youtube頻Numberphile上
        locking himself/herself up in a room until they find   good number of mathematicians joined in, and the                    一點大學數學的話,可以看一看陶哲            和主持討論孿生質數猜想:
        a solution. And certainly there are two remarkable    project generated a lot of excitement. The bound was                 軒的網誌(但是他寫的東西比較深,​                                        
        people involved in this story – Yitang Zhang and      reduced every day, eventually falling to 4680 in July                看不懂也不要緊!):
        James Maynard – but at the heart of a lot of progress   2013, where the project momentarily came to an end [6].  
        sits a huge collaborative project called the Polymath
        Project.                                                  In a dramatic development, James Maynard,
                                                              now a professor at Oxford, published another result in
            Yitang Zhang's life story is certainly worthy of a   November 2013. Fresh off a PhD, he had been working
        movie. He was born in China, and was sent to a labor   independently of Zhang and the Polymath Project,
        camp with his mother during the Cultural Revolution,   but gave a bound of 600 using an entirely different
        which interrupted his education for about eight years   method [7]. Had he published his result earlier, it
        [2]. He later went to graduate school in the U.S., but   would have been him who made the headlines – 600,                        Terence Tao’s blog               Timothy Gowers’ blog            The Numberphile video on
        parted ways extremely unhappily with his supervisor.   after all, is a far more headline-worthy bound than                          陶哲軒的網誌                        Timothy Gowers的網誌                 the twin prime conjecture
        Unable to find a job in academia after graduation,    70 million. Maynard's result was a better bound than                                                                                      Numberphile的孿生質數猜想影片
        he worked a number of odd jobs for seven years,       that from the Polymath Project, and soon the project's
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