Page 4 - HKUST IEMS Spring 2018 Newsletter
P. 4
Although the private sector in of the rule of the law and
China now accounts for about efficient financial markets that
70 percent of economic output, offer firms affordable access to
many small and mid-size firms diverse sources of capital.
persistently underperform
relative to their counterparts It is the absence of these
in developed countries. At success factors in emerging
an IEMS & IPP -- EY Emerging markets that allow private
Market Insights presentation, equity investors to capitalize
Roger Leeds (Johns Hopkins) on these opportunities whilst
drew on his recently published mitigating the risks. These sharp
book "Private Equity investing distinctions in private equity
in Emerging Markets" to explain investing between emerging
why private equity investors markets and developed
are uniquely qualified to countries not only create
address two of the main causes greater risks for developing
for this underperformance: countries, they also create
(i) Limited or no access to greater opportunities for certain
medium and long term capital types of companies. These
on affordable terms that companies require to grow, riskier environments have the potential to generate more
compete and generate sustained profitability; and (ii) private equity investment opportunities by capitalizing
limited specialized business expertise that small and on inefficiencies and information asymmetries. It is for
mid-size businesses need as their growth accelerates, these reasons that private equity has been growing so
placing new, more complex demands on management. rapidly and has seen success in many emerging markets.
He explains why the case for this specialized investment
mechanism is even more compelling in developing 'Prof Leeds' talk was part of the HKUST IEMS & IPP - EY
countries, where alternative sources of capital and Emerging Market Insights Series, and was co-organized
business expertise are relatively scarce. by HKUST Institute for Public Policy with support from
E Y.
Private equity has a number of specific characteristics
that sharply distinguish it from all other sources of Policy and Business Talk, “Private Equity
capital available to private firms. In contrast to most Investing in Emerging Markets: Risk and
Western countries, the companies targeted by most Opportunities” by Roger Leeds (Johns
private equity investors in developing countries reside in Hopkins) on 2017.11.28
the so-called “missing middle” - a vast universe of under- Video available at
served, growth-oriented small and mid-size businesses.
Leeds outlined a number of reasons as to why private
companies consistently underperform in Emerging
Markets. Private equity in developing countries bears
little resemblance to its counterparts in more advanced
countries, where it benefits from a supporting ecosystem
which includes: credible public policy environments;
confidence inducing legal frameworks; enforcement