Page 3 - Science Focus (Issue 017)
P. 3
香港 科 技 活動
Let Your Love for Science Flourish! 盡情展現你對科學的喜愛!
Are you bored of staying at home? You can have some fun in the
two upcoming astronomical events! Stay safe and healthy.
Solar Eclipse — June 21, 2020 日食 — 2020 年 6 月 21日
On June 21, 2020 (Sun), we will be able to see 在今年 6 月 21 日(日),我們將能在香港觀測
a partial solar eclipse in Hong Kong, during which
about 86% of the Sun will be shaded by the Moon 到一次日偏食,食甚時月球將掩蓋太陽約 86% 的
at the greatest eclipse. The annular solar eclipse 面積。環食帶將跨越中國廈門和台灣嘉義,屆時以
path will span over the two cities, Xiamen, China
and Chiayi, Taiwan, where an annular eclipse 上兩個地區將能觀測到日環食。
can be observed instead.
Observation from Hong Kong 從香港觀測
Start of eclipse 14:36:59 初虧 ( 日食開始 ) 14:36:59
Greatest eclipse 16:08:19 食甚 16:08:19
End of eclipse 17:24:26 復圓( 日食結束) 17:24:26
Please observe the solar eclipse safely. 記得使用正確的方法觀賞日食!你可以參考香
There are some tips from the Hong Kong Space
Museum. To observe the solar eclipse, you can 港太空館提供的小貼士,亦可以用列印太空館網頁
also make your own paper “pinhole projector” 上的紙樣來自製一個「針孔太陽投影盒」觀賞日食。
with the PDF file downloaded from their website!
Website: 網 址:
e n _ U S / w e b/ s p m /e x h i b i t i o n / z h _ T W / w e b / s p m/ e x h i bi t i o n /
specialexhibition/2020-astronomical- specialexhibition/2020-astronomical-
events.html events.html
Perseid Meteor Shower — 英仙座流星雨 — 2020 年 8 月12 日
August 12, 2020
“I saw a shooting star…and thought of you” 「陪你去看流星雨落在這地球上」— 今年英
— this year, the Perseids is expected to peak on 仙座流星雨的高峰期預計是 8 月 12 日(三)晚上
August 12 (Wed), 21:00–24:00. You may observe 21 時至 24 時。你可以在 12 日的整個晚上觀賞,
the meteor shower during the entire night of 預計每小時最多會有約110 顆流星在夜空劃過(亦
August 12, and there could be up to 110 meteors
per hour (subject to light pollution level, weather 受光害、天氣等因素影響);當晚月齡為 23(農曆
conditions, etc.). The moon phase will be 41.9% so 廿三),觀測尚算不太受月光影響。
the moonlight won’t affect our observation much.
Places with wide view of the sky and low light 天空視野廣闊和光害較少的地方都適宜觀測
pollution are suitable for the observation, such as 是次流星雨,本港的觀星熱點有萬宜水庫東壩、石
the East Dam of the High Island Reservoir, Tai Tau 澳大頭洲以及離科大不遠的大坳門等。 觀星時記
Chau in Shek O, and Tai Au Mun (near HKUST). 得遵守「觀星禮儀」,包括使用紅光手電筒,及不要
Please observe the “stargazing etiquette” — use a
red light torch and don’t shine a torch into others. 把光照向別人。
To take photos of the starry sky, don’t forget to 想嘗試天文攝影的朋友記得攜帶三腳架和廣
bring a tripod and a wide-angle lens. The summer
Milky Way will never disappoint you, too. Get 角鏡頭。夏季銀河也絕對不會令人失望的,各位文
ready for a ton of “likes” from your friends! 青們又可以準備好「呃 like」了!