Page 16 - Science Focus (issue 15)
P. 16
Our ancesto r s have reco rded and DNA cryptography can encode much more
preserved their knowledge and history through than simple text. By translating the 1’s and 0’s of
characters and materials like bones and papers. binary code into DNA code, digital data can be
However, is there a better way to do so in the 21 programmed into synthetic DNA, which can then
century? be decoded back into its original form. Since this
form of information storage allows a large degree
It is true that we can store information in a of parallelism , the computing speed for DNA
printed or a digital version. However, printed encoded information could reach 1 billion times
paper will eventually decompose; computers per second. Moreover, DNA molecules have a high
may break down and the hard drives may fail. storage density: one gram of DNA can encode 215
About two decades ago, scientists realized that petabytes (PB; i.e. 215 000 TB) of data.
“deoxyribonucleic acid” can overcome all these
physical hurdles and properly store information. In 2012, UK scientist Nick Goldman encoded a
total of 739 kilobytes of different file types (ASCII,
Deoxyribonucleic acid, also known as DNA, PDF, JPEG and MP3) into strands of DNA. The
is the fundamental molecule for storing genetic content encoded includes all 154 Shakespeare
information. DNA is made of four organic bases: sonnets, the classic 1953 Watson and Crick DNA
Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Cytosine (C), and structure paper, a color photograph of the
Thymine (T). In nature, these bases are arranged European Bioinformatics Institute, and a 26-second
sequentially to store and provide instructions to our excerpt from Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream
cells to make proteins, which then control many speech. Goldman held the record for the amount
functions and features of an organism. Scientists of information encoded in DNA until April 2016,
wondered whether these “genetic characters” when researchers at Microsoft and the University
can be utilized to create secret messages in of Washington broke the record by capturing a
DNA cryptography, in order to effectively store whopping 200 megabytes (MB) of data with the
information. help of binary coding. In their ground-breaking feat,
An Innovative
Way to Store 張等,把他們的知識和歷史記錄,並保存下來。但是在 21 世
Information! 紀,我們能找到一些更好的方法嗎?
DNA 在二十年前,科學家們意識到「脫氧核糖核酸」可以克服以
脫氧核糖核酸,也稱為 DNA,是儲存遺傳信息的重要元
素。DNA 由四種鹼基組成:腺嘌呤 (A),鳥嘌呤 (G),胞嘧啶
一種創新的 (C) 和胸腺嘧啶 (T)。在自然界中,這些鹼基會連續排列成一
資料儲存方式! 身體上的多種特徵和運作。科學家希望了解這些「基因字元」
是否可以用於 DNA 密碼學,創造出加密 信息,以便有效地儲
By Twinkle Poon 潘晴 存資料。
DNA 加密法又豈止能把簡單文字編碼?通過將 1 和 0
的二進制代碼翻譯成 DNA 密碼,便可以把數據寫入合成
DNA 中,及後可以把其解碼回原來的二進制代碼。這種資
料儲存方式容許很大程度的平行性 ,因此 DNA 訊息的計
算速度可以達到每秒 10 億次。此外,DNA 分子具有很高的
儲存密度:1 克 DNA 可以編碼 215 PB(即 215 000 TB)的