Page 17 - Science Focus (issue 15)
P. 17
they encoded the Universal Declaration of Human th e refo re i s o n e of th e
Rights in over 100 languages; a seed database; and candidates. It is reported that
the top 100 books of Project Gutenberg, in strings of Conan can withstand high
DNA. doses of radiation and survive
in a vacuum environment
Since modern day hard drives have limited for six years. Scientists have
storage capacity, DNA stands out because of the successfully placed a song’s
massive amount of information it can hold in a tiny lyrics into the Conan’s genome.
space. As mentioned above, the current theoretical The only concern is that random
limit of DNA’s storage capacity is 215 000 TB in a mutations may occur, causing
single gram of DNA. It is conceivable that we could the saved information to be
store the entire world’s data in one single room corrupted.
thanks to DNA.
One day, we may be able to
Information in computers and the magnetic create a living container which stores all
tapes and discs can last at most a few decades the knowledge in the world. We can hide
before they break down. In contrast, DNA has a it in our own room. Perhaps one day, the
half-life of 500 years; in other words, DNA takes 500 hidden data can reach outer space! Even though
years for half of it to degrade. DNA could potentially we might one day disappear, our legacy can still
be preserved for hundreds of thousands of years if it live on.
is stored in a cold and dark atmosphere.
1 It means that various information stored in the densely packed
Scientists are also trying to find a “super- DNA can be processed at the same time, instead of piece by
container” to host the DNA. Nicknamed Conan, piece in a series.
the super-bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans
can survive in various extreme environments, and References 參考資料:
[1] Aggarwal A., Kanth P. (2014). Secure Data Transmission Using
DNA ENCRYPTION. Computer Engineering and Intelligent,
5(7). Retrieved from
2012 年,英國科學家 Nick Goldman 將 739 KB 的不同 [2] Extance A. (2016). How DNA could store all the world’s data.
Nature, 7618(537). Retrieved from
檔案(ASCII、PDF、JPEG 和 MP3)編碼成 DNA 鏈。編碼的 news/how-dna-could-store-all-the-world-s-data-1.20496
內容包括 154 首莎士比亞十四行詩、1953 年 Watson(華生) [3] Service R.F. (2017). DNA could store all of the world’s data in
和 Crick(克拉克)的經典 DNA 結構論文、歐洲生物資訊研 one room. Science. Retrieved from https://www.sciencemag.
究所的彩色照片,以及 Martin Luther King(馬丁路德金)「我 [4] Armani M. (2014). Conan the bacterium. Life. Retrieved from
有一個夢想」演講的 26 秒摘錄。Goldman 因此打破了利用
DNA 儲存最多資料的記錄,直到 2016 年 4 月,紀錄才被微
軟和華盛頓大學的研究人員再次打破,他們在二進制編碼的 科學家們也在努力尋找一種能夠保存 DNA 的「超級
幫助下,用 DNA 記錄了高達 200 MB 的資料。在這個更具突 容器」。綽號「柯南」(Conan),一種名為耐輻射奇異球菌
破性的壯舉中,他們成功把 100多種語言的「世界人權宣言」、 (Deinococcus radioduran) 的超級細菌可以在各種極端環
一個種子資料庫和古騰堡計劃中首一百位的書藉寫進 DNA 境中存活,因此成為候選的「超級容器」之一。研究指出,
鏈內。 柯南可以承受高劑量的輻射,並在真空環境下存活六年。科
現代硬碟的有限儲存容量是 DNA可以脫穎而出的原因。 學家們亦成功將一首歌的歌詞放入柯南的基因組中,但唯一
DNA 可以在極小的空間內容納大量信息,上文曾經提及,在 的問題是隨機突變可能會導致保存的資料受到破壞。
一克 DNA 中,目前理論上最多可儲存資料為 215 000 TB。 或許有一天,我們能夠創造一個「生物容器」,把世界上
可以想像得到的是:靠著 DNA,我們可以將整個世界的資料 所有知識都儲存起來。我們可以把它藏在自己的房間裡。又可
儲存在一個細小的房間裡。 能有一天,你所收藏的資料能夠到達外太空!即使我們可能
電腦、磁帶和光碟內的資料最多也只能保存數十年。相比 有一天會消失,但我們的歷史、文化和知識仍可能會繼續被
之下,DNA 的半衰期為 500 年,換句話說,DNA 需要 500 保存下來。
年的時間才會被降解一半。如果將 DNA 儲存在寒冷和黑暗
1 這是指密集地儲存在 DNA 內的各種信息可以被同時處理,而不是一件一
的環境下,DNA 更有可能可以把資料保存數十萬年。 件地逐一處理。